5053 threads
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Tracking tennis balls
I'm trying to track tennis balls in a playing field shown in the attached figures. A robot will move around until the closest t...
15 year 4 5022
tracking single movments object
question : i want to make a movment tracker... the problem is : when i have one object (person) rob...
14 year 2 5335
Tracking Shopping Carts
How effective would Roborealm be for identifying and positional tracking of a shopping cart going through a check out lane? ...
13 year 1 1693
Tracking red object with Boe-Bot
Hello, I have a Boe-Bot. I have discovered the program called Roborealm but I don't know how it use. I would like to do a track...
16 year 4 2498
Tracking RBG patturn on shirt
I still trying to track a shirt succefully and i got the robot to follow a green shirt. But once it sees another green object it...
11 year 0 1703
Tracking Person Shirt striped RGB
Im still trying to find a good way to track a person. Ive used a single color, while this works, once it sees the same color it ...
11 year 0 1668
Tracking Person Shirt striped RGB
Im still trying to find a good way to track a person. Ive used a single color, while this works, once it sees the same color it ...
11 year 0 1685
Tracking Person Shirt striped RGB
Im still looking for a way to track a persons shirt but my program follows the green shirt and once something else green comes i...
11 year 2 1759
Tracking people by clothing
Am experimenting with tracking people by clothing. This seems fairly simple if the person is wearing something with solid bright...
9 year 3 3792
Tracking Object with camera movement only
Hy !!! I have a SSC-32 (servo controller) with two servos 180o (not continuous rotation servos). An...
15 year 3 5419
Tracking Multiple Objects
How could I track multiple circles that are the same color? Also.. Can I use vectors in roborealm, example: to measure the dista...
15 year 2 5132
tracking IR-LEDs
Hello, For a work in progress with a dancer I do color tracking to create sound with SuperCollider sending OSC mes...
11 year 2 2735
Tracking help
I just found roborelm and am having some fun with it. I'll just tell you my goals, and see if i can get pointed down the right...
15 year 2 1740
Tracking for distance
  I am trying to track red objects in front of the camera that are square and have dimensions of 15cmx15cm and height...
17 year 4 2024
Tracking Flying Objects
I am looking for a software-hardware solution to tracking model airplanes as they fly around the field at our club.  ...
15 year 4 3573
Tracking faces
I m new to all this ..how can make my camera trak faces ,so i can make my robot face  follow peoples movents.. and how...
16 year 2 2068
Tracking Entrance and Exit
I have a small room, the camera is stationary, I want to track how many people move from left to right and how many people move...
14 year 6 3208
Tracking colors
I have a filter I made a couple years ago to track a Tshirt. It should only track the color green when it is bordered by Red and...
15 year 2 3047
tracking circles in RoboRealm?
I need to track three dilating white spheres for a project and analyze the data drawn from the motion of the particles. A collea...
17 year 2 1704
Tracking Black Objects
I am trying to track a black, velcro covered disc, similar to a hockey puck. I was going to use pseudo-color to change black to ...
11 year 4 3704

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