5053 threads
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To insert a module in the Pipeline
Hi to the users of this forum, I have a question to do, and I hope that someone has a solution.
11 year 5 3640
to get the video feed from RR onto a VB program
The main idea is to get the video feed from RR onto a VB program and RR is faceless ....
13 year 3 2093
to EDV
To EDV,   When apprx will the "Walking Mode" be included in our download?
13 year 4 1895
Hey Mr. D.,       Could you explain how to use the " Watching Mode"...
13 year 5 2216
timetag for variables read?
Hi STeven,   I'm going to be running Rocky in the mega line following contest at the clu...
15 year 5 1889
Timer variable in VBScript
I would like to write a VBScript file that will run the servo for 5 seconds if the camera detect a certain image in the middle o...
16 year 2 1969
Timer values
I would like to know the time between the two event's (e.g. mouse clicks). Is there a feature like 'Timer' available...
18 year 2 3335
Timer Random
Hi, I would want to know if among the various modules of the pipeline there is a way for inserting a timer "rando...
11 year 8 3700
Timer and If Statement Module
For some reason I cannot for the life of me get the If Statement Module to work with a "timer" value.  All I'm tryi...
13 year 2 2843
timed variable
Hi STeven, Is there a limit to the number of timed variables that RR can handle? I noticed that cre...
13 year 3 3540
Time with no camera
I am using RR without a camera, but in this case the IMAGE_DATETIME does not update.
10 year 8 2601
time module
hi! RR havnt a a time module! it show time  of ruuning commands,but it can not show time o...
16 year 4 3856
Time linger in VBScript
Is there any command that that will wait for 50millisecond and then goto next commad. I want to get current COG_X,Y value and CO...
14 year 2 4608
Time delay problem in Roborealm
Our project is using four cameras as sensors. The cameras will capture a panorama of ground. We goin...
15 year 2 1943
tilt koeficient
Hi STeven is possible to know what mathematical equation is behind Perspective correction that is u...
14 year 2 3410
Tiff Format Issue
The image files are not going through.  Is there an email I could send samples to.
18 year 6 4427
Tiff compression (Group 4)
How hard would it be to have RR to be able to save out to say a G4 Tiff instead of the IZW format? I know this is a really crapp...
12 year 7 3095
Still experimenting with my people counting.. 1. Once a blob is identified and displayed after filtering, how do Y...
16 year 1 2425
Thought on API
Pre-Script:  DOH, I have been busy reading source code and samples from the API folder and NOT your excellent document...
14 year 2 1638
Things about SetArrayVariable
hi, sorry to bother you. After I use [circles] to get the coordinates of these circles, I have a problem in storing them into a...
15 year 2 3778

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