5053 threads
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Telnet session
Hello, the telnet connection works but I dont'n know how to end it. How should this...
16 year 3 1857
Telnet not displaying text
I have been attempting to test the API communications but keep running into issues with telnet not displaying any text after I h...
13 year 2 5043
Telnet localhost problem!!
Hi to everyone... We've been stucked at a very weird situation in roborealm. When we use your code and...
17 year 5 3700
Technology partners
Accusoft Pegasus, the largest supplier of imaging software development kits (SDKs) and viewers, would like to inquire about a te...
15 year 0 2387
Tears of joy  '  '' ' ''
Oh my gawd!  That is exactly the tool I'm looking for.  For those of you just tuning in it works wo...
18 year 2 3074
TCP/IP programming
Hi, I am trying to write a simple program that sets the speed of the motors used in this robot
14 year 1 2398
TCP/IP Modbus Connection
Hello, I am trying to connect a Universal Robot to Roborealm through the ethernet connector which uses the TCP/IP ...
10 year 21 6906
plz can i have source                &...
17 year 2 1796
TCP socket not receiving all the data
I'm sending a series of points from a Raspberry pi over a TCP socket. I have confirmed with putty that the receiving computer is...
9 year 2 1960
Targeting system
I have a target that I need to have my robot shoot a ball into. The target has a U shape of retro-reflective tape under it. I wa...
9 year 4 2848
Target Variable Meanings
Hey Steven, I'm the lead programmer for team 4256 (I believe my partner David has posted on here b...
12 year 4 1864
Target Localization Module?
So I was browsing the FRC tutorials and was reading Vision Targeting #2 which talked about a target localization module. &n...
12 year 11 2812
Target for multiple object whit same color
Hi there, first post and want to say what and amazing program, im a robot builder for several Robocup classes and this s...
17 year 4 2693
Take "Floor Finder" just one time and save the value!!
I want To take floor properties using Floor_Finder just one time when the program run, then I want the program to save this valu...
11 year 2 2600
take photo
Hi, I want camera to take picture when blob count is 2, I will show two red ball and then camera should take a picture at that t...
11 year 3 3300
Hi STeve - How can I change the active tab from VB.net?...
9 year 4 2756
system that follows a real glider performing aerobatics
Hello, totally new to RoboRealm. I found you on ...
13 year 1 1686
System requirements for roborealm
Hello, I was looking at a few different computers that would work for my project while still be abl...
11 year 2 2692
Syntax to receive char from arudino to vbscript
hey guys. I'm doing a project which uses roborealm vbscript and arduino (using serial module). the vbscript will send a characte...
8 year 2 3447
Synchronization of two cameras and getting processing time?
Hello,    I have an application of tracking a quick moving object (about 3m/s). There are two questions...
16 year 8 2451

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