5053 threads
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thickness probe
hello, i have been working with thickness and line probes but i still have not figured out how to work and position the probes....
15 year 6 4524
Thermal camera
Hi! Im using a very low cost webcam: SN9C201, USB 2.0 and I pl...
14 year 6 6088
The Write Images component!!!
Hi, Is there a way to save the processed image without pressing the START button in the write images compo...
17 year 2 1892
The ultimate end-product
I'm a complete noob when it comes to all this programming etc. but my hat goes off to you Mike for creating a .robo fil...
18 year 2 2887
The stabilize module is not working....
The stabilize module is not working in 1_7_22_0 version.....the image from the camara is like a camera without lens... I...
17 year 2 2244
the magic behind Fiducial
I am curious about the algorithm behind the recognition of Fiducials. What visual features have been extracted, and can we use n...
11 year 2 2952
The eye-fi
A question for as many people as have thoughts on the matter. What are the possibilities of hacking the eye-fi wi...
12 year 3 2156
The download link
17 year 1 2965
Thanks for the Optical Flow module!
Hi STeven, The new Optical Flow module rocks!  Congratulations on getting it
16 year 3 2488
Thanks for the Align Histogram module!
Hey STeven, Congrats on releasing the new Align_Histogram module--and thanks!  This is go...
15 year 1 3796
Thank you for this brilliant tool
I have been working on a PC based robot since I saw the OAP project on the web. Mine uses XP and Java though, although the princ...
17 year 1 2776
Texture marching
Hey there, just downloaded the trial and I'm loving it so far...I wanted to train roborealm with different pictures of 3D printe...
7 year 5 2209
Texture and terrain recognition
Hi there, I am currently working on a project that is somewhat similar to the DARPA urban challenge, exce...
18 year 5 5244
Testing an integer array for emptyness
Hi, I need to test in a robo file if there exists a Harris_Corner, how can I achieve it? Does "if H...
11 year 2 2838
Test Receive
I have a numericl keypad connected to a serial port that sends in characters. the program seems to ...
11 year 2 2065
Test Module
(Sorry, this belongs to test module, but I cannot select it, therefore the post will probably not show up there. No posts there ...
9 year 2 2761
tenvis jpt3815w not working with motion detection
Hi all, I'm new here, just a quick question if anyone had a similar issue. I can view my ip camera in roborealm ...
11 year 3 3507
Tennis ball finder?
Hello, I'm trying to use RoboRealm to detect tennis balls in an image.  My robot uses a...
16 year 5 7196
temporary image capture
I am looking for a feature similar to video marker, but for a single image (snapshot). I have two...
16 year 1 2165
temperature sensor
First time user, really newb question. I currently setting up an HVAC system, im trying to convert temperature sensor info. I ha...
10 year 2 2871

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