5053 threads
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How can i do for serial communication
   Hi Any serial communication PIC to PC example or how i obtained the variables...
18 year 1 3113
how can i do for serial communication
I don have interface like SSC, Lego, only PIC...
18 year 4 3742
Vision Software Help
Hi frineds, I am working on my AI project. I want to see images diffrence then previous imag...
18 year 2 3212
load program
Is there any way to make the LOAD function just load a specific program without stopping and displaying the whole load m...
18 year 4 3567
Matching algorithms
I'm pretty new to RR, but  it would seem to me that the Image_Match and Object_Tracking are among some of the...
18 year 2 3193
Download problem ... need help plz.
I am unable to download RoboRealm. I entered my email id on the download fown for the link, however i did not received a...
18 year 2 3113
Capturing images
Hi. I just got your program and was really impressed by it. Right now I use a combination of movement and medians and co...
18 year 7 3634
Low-light integration and bright pixels
Image integration under low-light conditions with uncooled CCD's produces a few very bright (noisy) pixels (exam...
18 year 8 5368
Darkfield Subtraction
OK, now I want to go even further :-) and reduce the vertical striations that are due I suppose to the structure...
18 year 2 3399
I remembered I have a lego spybotics set lying in my basement and was wondering if it is possible to control it with Rob...
18 year 6 4098
Module request
I was wondering if you could implement a timestamp module to display the time/date on images, or add the option of print...
18 year 6 3762
No Title
Nevermind.  figured it out.  LOL  Thanks. Is there a filter o...
18 year 3 3596
CCD/CMOS Cameras on NTSC_M with roborealm?
I'm using 2 X 1/3 Cmos and 2X 1/4 CCD camera boards for a robotic rover project.  They output into a quad pro...
18 year 4 4554
Where is the lego control???
Hi, i ´m not see the lego control in the download page, where is it??? I´dont know where is...
18 year 3 2856
Unload a module or use 2 RGB color filters & Cog sequentially? Is it possible to elther unl...
18 year 5 2931
No Title
Hi, when i read the turorial to orienting the lego roverbot, in the page 4, i don´t known when put the VBscript.
18 year 3 3923
im yet to try it but i want to buy a bunch of cheat webcams off of ebuyer(.com) (£6!!) and hook them upto a linux box fo...
18 year 4 7631
Cropping and Center of Gravity
Hi, I just started using RoboRealm for the prototype stages of a motion tracking  & control project. Because m...
18 year 7 4355
Cluster Analysis
>> From ...
18 year 2 3823
Change filters from pipe program
How can i change the Roborealm filters from within a VB.NET pipe program?...
18 year 2 2916

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