Capturing images
Adam from United States  [9 posts]
18 year
Hi. I just got your program and was really impressed by it. Right now I use a combination of movement and medians and cog to determine movement.  When the cog box size is greater than 0, I play a beep noise and I want to save that frame into a folder with incremented file number.  Is this possible to do currently? Thanks.
Anonymous 18 year
Yes, that should be possible. Just after where you place the beep module you should be able to add the loading/saving->write_image module. Each time this module executes it will write an image with appropriate incremental number to the specified folder.

Let us know if this doesn't meet your needs.

Adam from United States  [9 posts] 18 year
I added that, but it never wrote the image file, so that is why I was wondering if perhaps there is another way to do that.  Then I can get some serious spy robots working.
Image Write Module
18 year
The Write Image module should be the way to go. The trick with that module is you need to press the 'start' button in order for the module to start writing images ... the reason for the start button is to prevent incorrect images from getting written out before you are done with the configuration. You can use the module as is assuming that the c:\temp\ folder exists .. the default will write the current image (at the module insertion point) to c:\temp\image.jpg All you need to do is to insert the module and press the "start" button in the interface.

Let us know if you continue to have issue with this module.

Adam from United States  [9 posts] 18 year
I got it working by doing what you said.  Thanks STeven, you're very helpful.
Anonymous 18 year
I got it to write the images, but after I reviewed the folder, I found out that it writes every frame regardless of movement.  After I use Center of Gravity, I check to see if the box size is greater than 0.  If it is, it beeps, and then I have write images.  If I hit start, it ignores the if statement and writes every frame.  Let me know if posting the file is required.
If Statement Bug
18 year
There was an issue with the If Statement in that it did not correctly prevent the Write Image module from functioning. This has been fixed and uploaded. Please download RoboRealm again and try it out.

Thanks for the note.


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