1530 posts
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Button interface to activate tabs [2]
Mai, You would use the Call tab to do this. See the attached. Press a button to run different tabs....
10 year 2 2973
Dicing up an image [2]
Charles, Yes, there are a couple ways to do this ... it depends on how you'd like to work with the...
10 year 3 1637
Getting started [2]
Alex, Do you have a quick example perhaps in a different industry of such a flow chart? My concern ...
9 year 3 2692
RTSP video image in RoboRealm [2]
According to the  user manual ...
11 year 5 3587
help!!!!! [2]
Can you post the image you are talking about that the camera sees with the 3 colored objects? STeve...
10 year 5 2754
Line Following sensor [2]
Goupil, The company no longer exists. Some of the folks moved over to cmRobot but I don't think th...
10 year 2 1565
Serial communication from colour filter [2]
Kris, Can you post a image of what you would expect to see from the camera?
10 year 2 1550
roborealm loses configuration [4]
They have been added to the Motion tab. If you download the latest RR version those should now be present in the module.
9 year 4 2456
Missing libvlc.dll when trying to use VLC player [2]
Check that if you are running 32 bit RR you install 32 bit VLC and vice versa. STeven....
8 year 2 2391
EZB_Variables broken [6]
Darathian, Thanks, it seems the connection failure was not being detected correctly. This has been ...
9 year 7 1746
Bug in OSC module makes it unusable [6]
Could you attach your robofile just for the OSC module? We'd like to see how that is configured as we don't seen anything obviou...
9 year 11 3150
communication between labview and roborealm [2]
Domingo, Unfortunately since there isn't an explicit way to get raw binary data in XML the above re...
6 year 2 2078
Feed RoboRealm webserver video to FRC SmartDashboard [9]
Billy, Thanks for the info. We did see those same errors in both the Camera and VideoStream but wit...
11 year 8 4987
help!!!!! [4]
See attached. The BLOBS_COLORIZED_LABELS then contains the COG and color value of each blob. See
10 year 5 2754
Memory usage is increasing over time by switching cameras [4]
Dong, There are many ways to swtich between cameras in RR, how are you doing it?
10 year 6 2160
Failing to pause pipeline after waiting 10 seconds... [2]
Stephen, We've added an option in the Options Button->Other tab to increase that pipeline timeou...
9 year 7 3590
Shape finding [4]
There are modules that will do that ... or as mentioned above, you can just check the size of one of the resulting arrays (they ...
8 year 4 1834
Error Message connecting to SmartDashboard [2]
Albert, It does not seem like you are actually communicating with a network table server. Port 22? ...
6 year 2 2048
See Variable in View_Variables not correct in VB [4]
John, You are correct in how you are using those. The VBScript display variables is not as sophisti...
11 year 3 1958
some modules (VBScript) are not executed [2]
Let me guess ... your script probably as a GetArrayVariable that is not being tested for being an array?
8 year 3 2414

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