roborealm loses configuration
Padraig from Ireland  [9 posts]
10 year
I've noticed that roborealm does not always startup with the same configuration settings.
In particular the Video Capture Properties, Image Processing, Flip Frame Vertical and Flip Frame horizontal do not seem to be retained consistently.
I have tried to save an ini file on load this on startup but these settings are not stored in this file.
Is there any way to set these settings using the API?
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 10 year
Where are those parameters specified? In the options dialog in the video tab? If so, those are saved by the camera's specific device driver and not under our control (the lack of saving seems to be a common problem).

What you can instead try is using the Camera_Properties module to specify those params instead which will be resent to the camera on startup again.


Padraig from Ireland  [9 posts] 10 year
Unfortunately the parameters for flip horizontal and vertical are not included on the Camera_Properties module. Is it possible to add these?
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 10 year
They have been added to the Motion tab. If you download the latest RR version those should now be present in the module.


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