1530 posts
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You should be able to download the robofile at the bottom of ...
11 year 2 1626
Fiducial Orientation. [2]
Daniel, Could you include a couple of the same images but without any text/green outline? Your imag...
11 year 5 3654
vehicle counting [2]
Yasantha, You can use ...
9 year 4 2677
Quality Control [2]
Neil, Yes, you can certainly use the software for that. As its a toolbag of different techniques ca...
6 year 2 1879
do i have to put codes ...? [2]
Sam, I assume by cods you mean codes which you actually mean a form of programming languge? If that...
11 year 2 1618
Counting Dice Tutorial [3]
Jacques, It seems that the continuous checkbox in the Averaging module was not checked. This causes...
10 year 3 2665
Can not connect to Basler acA640-120 [2]
Probably not ... do you get any XML in the one tab? Can you post that text here? Alternatively, if ...
9 year 2 2756
Faceless Function [4]
Bob, There was a mistake in the RR_COM_DLL activeX object that interfaces with VB. The actual routi...
8 year 4 2079
lynxmotion ssc 32U not connecting [4]
Max, Hmm, that seems like you have a good setup. I would try to contact Lynxmotion (RobotShop) to s...
7 year 4 2748
Alerting when locked on - FRC image tracking [3]
Kyle, Yes, you can but it depends on how you are doing the tracking. For example, if you are using ...
11 year 7 2031
RTSP video image in RoboRealm [5]
Richi, Thanks for the detailed help. Interesting in that the port they...
11 year 5 3587
Test Receive [2]
Roland, The receive sequence needs to have some sort of character to know when the sequence ends. T...
10 year 2 1820
How to get the fiducial border [2]
Yes, have a look at the bottom of ...
10 year 3 1532
Area of region [2]
Given that they are not perfectly circular, you may want to calculate the area directly based on number of pixels. This will at ...
10 year 5 2689
Add grainy look to image [2]
Do you mean something like http://bit.ly/1r2j1...
9 year 4 2380
cScript [2]
Fernando, This can be done in the cscript module (or VBScript or Python or Jscript modules). You wo...
8 year 2 2228
Serial Communication Arduino Uno [2]
Muhammad, You would need some sort of communication module. In this case I added a serial module th...
7 year 5 3440
camera recommended for colour based object tracking robot [2]
Rose, For that inexpensive price, you are probably looking at a TP-Link WR703N router ($25) with an...
10 year 2 1573
AUV [6]
Have you written a quick Arduino Sketch that sets the values of pin3 and pin9 to 800 and 1000 to see if the motors respond?
8 year 11 3084
line [2]
Fernando, I'm not 100% sure what you are asking. If you had an example image that might be easier t...
8 year 4 2293

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