Dicing up an image
Charles Tomkins from United Kingdom  [13 posts]
10 year
Hi, I have a large image (~5000 x 3500) which I would like to cut up into sequence of smaller images (say 500 x 350) each with a 50% overlap.

[The intention is to re-load these cropped images back into RR and process each one individually and save its statistics.]

Is there a way to get RR to do this? - a sort of rolling crop.
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 10 year

Yes, there are a couple ways to do this ... it depends on how you'd like to work with the system. For example, you can load in one large image, use the crop module to crop 500x350 in the upper left corner placement, add whatever stats module you need and whatever save module you need and then manually change the crop to the upper right, lower left, lower right to get the 4 quadrants.

Or if you want to automate that process for many images you can add in four sets of the above pipeline to save 4 different files per image ...

So, I'm not sure how you want to do this.

At any rate see the crop module at


Charles Tomkins from United Kingdom  [13 posts] 10 year
Thanks STeven, I think that I have found a way to dice them with MS small basic :-)

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