1530 posts
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navigation by computer vision [7]
Hemant, That's certainly possible but you will have to record some video to test. Any vision projec...
8 year 27 4991
Multiple Measurements [2]
Alan, Yes, this is a common use of the application. In your case, the first module will align the i...
7 year 2 2249
Detecting "empty" page [2]
Kresimir, It will largely depend on what it looks like when there is a minimal amount of text on th...
1 year 2 888
Network Tables [3]
Yes, it does need a central server that basically acts like a database server. The server is not much more difficult to implemen...
11 year 2 1715
To insert a module in the Pipeline [5]
An easier way is to use an IF Statement module around modules that you do or do not want to enable. Based on a variable set in V...
11 year 5 3339
parallel port [4]
If you set the bit number (ie. select 1 in the bit dropdown) then you should get a clean 1 or 0. ST...
11 year 6 2977
creating a bounding box over a blob group [2]
Yes, you can use the geometric stats module to get the extents of all blobs and then use the display rectangle module to actuall...
10 year 3 2491
parallel port [3]
You have it about right ... I'd remove the FACE_COUNT from pins 3,4,5 since you are not using those and just keep the FACE_COUN...
10 year 3 2699
Turning an Angle into a compass heading [2]
Is this a repost of ...
10 year 4 2703
Arduino Motor Control [8]
Yes, you would need 6 variables and an understanding of what motors need to do what in order to move as expected. I.e. in order ...
9 year 12 3600
NetworkTables not working on FMS [2]
Whatever works with Dynamic IPs will typically work with static IPs. I forget what exactly happens on the field in terms of IP a...
8 year 2 2126
Watchdog for Roborealm [2]
Jaheer, It depends mainly on the hardware. If there are error messages that come back then the modu...
7 year 2 1955
Load Image bug [2]
Tim, I attempted to replicate the issue using some of your old files but was not able to see this b...
6 year 4 2082
Is RR Idle Yet? [2]
Edi, Normally RR is never idle but always processing new images. If you are using it in more of a s...
4 year 3 2532
RoboRealm Lagging WIth Arduino [2]
Brandon, Couple things to try: 1. Remove the
11 year 4 1616
RoboRealm Propeller MCU Examples / Help Needed [11]
Steve, Can you zip up your SPIN file and post it here? Zip should be able to get through. We have a...
10 year 17 3449
Serial Communication with arduino [2]
Perhaps you can try reading about the Serial module which is one way of doing this from scratch. The other way would be to use t...
10 year 2 2928
sub-pixel alignment in 'noisy' lighting [2]
Keith, It may be possible to use a circular shape to help with that .. but I'd like to try somethin...
9 year 6 2884
set_camera_format issues [2]
Joshua, We did make some fixes to the rate calculation that was not accepting non-integer rates fro...
7 year 5 2022
Running more than one instance of roborealm [2]
Tim, Yes, if the path variable is changed before being completely done with the processing that wil...
6 year 6 2125

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