1530 posts
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Joystick variables over distributor server/client [3]
John, We made some corrections to the Distributor modules. Can you try with the latest version and ...
10 year 3 1530
Failed to render streams [2]
In case others have the same issue ... the error is generated by the underlying DirectX Windows environment. What it basically m...
7 year 2 1550
Pinch? [11]
Annika, You use the bottle unwrap module but proceed in the following way:
10 year 11 2829
Fill circle [2]
Roland, Can we switch the perspective on you? I.e. we have a more advanced version of the Crop modu...
9 year 4 2707
DLL Plugin. Static image refresh. [7]
Dmitry, Thanks for mentioning that. It was a problem in the Draw.cpp file include with the SwapColo...
8 year 7 1618
Reload image [2]
Seem to be working now. Since you are using the root of the D drive, it may not have worked since if you don't have write access...
8 year 2 2475
Camera only takes first frame [2]
Francis, Could you post the robofile that you are using in this forum? Its tough to guess what migh...
2 year 2 934
Purchase licence [2]
Patrick, The license is attached to a specific download link. Like when you request a trial, you ar...
11 year 2 1572
API C++ error reading COG_X, COG_Y [2]
Nemanya, Yes, that is very possible that the arrays are different if you are using two getVariable ...
10 year 3 1957
write 2 video at the same time [2]
Saipol, I see that you used MOVEMENT_PIXELS as the command variable ... that variable is actually s...
10 year 4 2764
SetImage [13]
Kresimir, I think the issue in part was the lack of knowing how many bytes the jpg data actually ta...
8 year 17 2670
RPI Status [2]
Stephen, There is development in this direction but has been sidelined due to high priority project...
8 year 3 1641
Object recognition or image matching [2]
Jaheer, Multiple techniques are in the OR module to allow for the right technique to be used for a ...
7 year 2 2224
How to set up and relay trigger with time delay [14]
Tomasz, I don't think its the PC. I'd not spend any time testing on another PC. If it was the PC,...
10 year 24 3872
RR Crash every few minutes [2]
It should be asking you when you run it next to send us the error report. That's what we need to see what might be going on.
10 year 19 3819
Random Disconnects with Distributor Client [2]
Andrei, Are you getting any crash report send requests when you re-run RR after one of those crashe...
9 year 2 1527
Lego_NXT module [23]
John, There is a Gblock that does mail messages ... if you look at Example 1 in
9 year 32 3771
Roborealm causing Windows Explorer to lock up [2]
Sam, We've not had any reports similar to this since your post. If this is something that is still ...
7 year 2 1579
how to solve the problem of lighting and visibility when there is a change of li [2]
Faris, The less you tell us the less we can do. You will need to include a LOT more information abo...
6 year 2 1741
VCam [2]
T. You can try installing the VCam directly by using either InstallVCam32.exe or InstallVCam64.exe ...
6 year 2 1933

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