1530 posts
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Turning an Angle into a compass heading [4]
You can use the Calculate Angle module to calculate the angle to the COG from the center of the image. Given this angle and your...
10 year 4 2711
Object detection, recognition and counting on measurement basis [2]
Yes, most of what you are asking about is possible depending on which module is used. To answer your concerns more specifically ...
9 year 2 1658
Finding small objects in grass [4]
Patrick, Attached is a variation on how this might be done ... as there are many ways to do this on...
9 year 5 3009
OCR Result - Number Orientation [4]
Arnie, Can you include the original images in this post? Its hard to know what's going on using the...
9 year 4 2774
FRC Network table issue [17]
Pete, There is another case of this same issue on the CD forums also using C++ so the problem is de...
10 year 20 7646
RoboRealm+arduino Serial to integer [4]
Can you post your robofile? STeven. ...
11 year 4 2784
Challenges with fiducial recognition when on the ground [2]
Vince, Yes, using more than one point of view can certainly help. The fiducial system does take int...
10 year 3 2582
Identifying a Pet [2]
Brian, You'd be at it forever to identify specific animals. A shortcut would be to see that someth...
10 year 2 2399
Camera Properties Adjusting/Saving [2]
Ryan, This is not uncommon (i.e. when the drivers do not save the actual settings). ...
9 year 4 2437
RoboRio Port Info [4]
Pete, That's good ... but can you post what that code is here or a link on the wpilib site that we ...
9 year 26 15394
navigation by computer vision [9]
Arvind, If you are looking for neural network based learning packages you may be better off with a ...
8 year 27 5007
Reconnect to camera when lost connection? [8]
Its conflicting with DirectShow. Avoid using the Camera button and ensure that this is untoggled before exit. Then restart (the ...
6 year 9 2305
No Title [2]
Maciej, Our apologies, the registration system was failing this morning. It is now fixed. You shoul...
1 year 2 563
Blob filtration based on logic [2]
Dawson, It seems that blob 2 is actually closer to X than blob1 .. but if we lower the X mark then ...
10 year 3 2679
PIck and place [2]
It will depend where the camera is relative to the arm. If you have the camera inline with the arm (i.e. its attached to the end...
9 year 3 2529
Lego_NXT module [28]
John, Ok, we have a better handle on the issue. There is an issue with the NXT Send Message block i...
9 year 32 3783
Combine 2 different pipeline [4]
Nurul, Attached is a single robofile that will detect the embryo in both images. The trick is to no...
9 year 18 3522
Grapes vinyard [2]
It is possible but will require a much more sophisticated machine to be able to do so reliably. The problem is that reliable det...
6 year 3 1919
Max Value in a array [2]
Edi, The two fields for the sort have to do with working in arrays that have multiple values. For e...
4 year 4 1976
write_variables [2]
No, they were just included twice since it is listed under the loading and variables category in the Contents tab. This has been...
10 year 2 1590

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