Running more than one instance of roborealm
Tim from United States  [9 posts]
7 year
Hello, I am trying to do folder comparisons as soon as the image collection is complete, I have a working robofile that starts processing as soon as it sees the image variable location has changed, and it works great! My problem is that we have more than one device creating images collections at once, Currently I have the robofile running on a server, but if a set of images completes during the processing of the previous collection, it seems to stop processing the current and move to the new set. We have multiple Licences, but is there a way to run them all on the same server? or make sure the first image collection is complete before new set is processed, or is it possible to run two robofiles at the same time?

thanks in advance!
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year

Yes, if the path variable is changed before being completely done with the processing that will terminate the one read and continue with the new path. You might need to queue the requests and only change the path once the previous comparisons have completed.

If you check the variable IMAGE_MAX_SEQUENCE against the current IMAGE_SEQUENCE that will tell you when the current processing is done (i.e when equal its done) so that the path can then only be updated. This could be in a conditional If_Statement module around the read variables where the new path is read in. I.e. only read the new path information when those two variables are equal.

Tim from United States  [9 posts] 7 year
Would the be just an if statement at the end of the pipeline  if Image_Sequence is equal to Image_Max_Sequence?
Tim from United States  [9 posts] 7 year
Also does this cause the possibility of some image sets to not be proccessed entirely? Say if one rather large image set is being processed, and lets say two additional sets of images are collected during the process, the first set of images saved will never load into a variable and so when the second image set is stored as a variable, it will overwrite the first causing them never to be compared correct?
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year
Yes, that's correct. You would only have one 'buffered' set of images because the storage is in the file that has yet to be read. But if that file gets overwritten before RR reads it in then you will lose the analysis of that particular folder. The assumption here is that you only needed a buffer of 1. If you need more that gets a bit more complicated.

The If statement module would be around the Read_Variables module at the top of your pipeline. I.e. do *not* read in a new folder path into BLOB/GOLD/UUT variables  until you are sure the previous one is done.

Tim from United States  [9 posts] 7 year
Thanks STeven, I was able to get this to work.

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