Load Image bug
Timothy Harp from United States  [2 posts]
7 year

I load two images in my pipeline, a GOLD and a UUT, I pull the UUT file path from an txt variable and use that path as a variable to create the GOLD file path. Everything works great untill it gets to the last file in the directory, it looks like it takes the last marker created(My UUT scaled 25%) and processes that image, which goes through another scale module. Thus my last image always fails as it two drastically different sized images it is comparing, am I doing something wrong, or is there a way to correct this?

thanks in advance,

below is my pipeline and The align failure and my vbscript.

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year

I attempted to replicate the issue using some of your old files but was not able to see this behavior directly. What most likely is happening is that there is 1 more file in one folder than the other such that one of the load modules will read in an image but the other is done and therefore doesn't load in anything.

Can you validate you are seeing this issue even if you reduce the number of files in both folders down to something that you can easily count?

Its also possible that a non-image file in one of the folders which is causing this complication.

Finally, if you can press the save button and type in something.robo to save the robofile (as apposed to an image) and post that here we can be sure to use the latest version of your robofile for testing.

Tim from United States  [9 posts] 7 year
Trying to look into this more, it looks like it may be an issue with image_filepath. I was using a VB script to split the path and manipulate it to create my GOLD path, but for some reason when the last image in the folder is processed, the image_filepath variable seems to dissapear. I noticed the same thing with a dbug single image comparison, when trying to use the image_filepath variable it would be there one second, then dissapear the next, as you said causing it to load nothing. But I am not sure why the image_path variable dissapears?
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year

Its possible that there is some sort of weird file in the folder too that causes the filename to become blank. If the module cannot load the image it will also set its loaded IMAGE_FILENAME to blank. I tried to look at your previous robofiles to see how you are processing the filename but those were not doing anything much as they were just test robofiles.

Check to see if you have any hidden files in that folder that might not be loading (since they are not images) which will cause the filename to become blank.

Alternatively, you can detect that if Image_filename is blank to avoid doing that comparison.


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