330 posts
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avm [5]
But servo would be better solution for camera turning because it participates in initial localization of "Marker mode" and "N...
13 year 6 2407
please help to make face/body folower for DV cam rotation head [3]
I think that you could use AVM module for this purpose: ...
13 year 7 4215
avm [7]
In dialog window of RoboRealm "Lego NXT" module there is "Servos" page. So, if you have lot of servos amounting to your NXT ...
13 year 6 2407
moving dancer [2]
You could use motion detection for such task: ...
11 year 10 2424
moving dancer [4]
It's additional module (plugin): http:/...
11 year 10 2424
AVM Navigator variables [12]
The AVM algorithm really works better with images that have good contrast condition. But if you try previously to normalize imag...
13 year 22 6591
AVM Map dont work [29]
All you needed to control AVM Navigator is transmission of "-1" value to variables NV_FIRE, NV_LEFT, NV_RIGHT, NV_FORWARD, NV_...
13 year 38 8163
Now AVM is working faster [66]
You can find out more about AVM algorithm principle in these topics: ...
12 year 117 22580
Question for EDTV [6]
You should use the variables that described below for connection of your robot to AVM Navigator: U...
13 year 7 2037
AVM Map dont work [30]
>> I just send my command and look in the variable, NV_FORWARD jumps from 0 to 1 and back again. With the activated AVM Na...
13 year 38 8163
Vision based commands [3]
It seems that you are looking for something like this: ...
13 year 5 2991
please help to make face/body folower for DV cam rotation head [5]
I think this discussion could help in understanding: ...
13 year 7 4215
Now AVM is working faster [5]
>> Hi, how do i update avm navigator. I purchased it last version. You had to receive downloa...
12 year 117 22580
Interfacing AVM Navigator with ArduPilot APM 2.5 [3]
You should just develop your own VBScript program that converts value of control variables of AVM Navigator (such as NV_FORWARD,...
12 year 8 2718
AVM Navigator variables [15]
You can find out more about AVM here: ...
13 year 22 6591
AVM Map dont work [34]
I think you should use "control translater" implemented in VBScript program instead 100ms timer procedure in your external pro...
13 year 38 8163
Now AVM is working faster [7]
Arrow keys is important for route recording in "Marker mode" because it is signals for start of writing to AVM and also for od...
12 year 117 22580
AVM [6]
In our case the visual navigation for robot is just sequence of images with associated coordinates that was memorized inside AVM...
13 year 5 3789
Now AVM is working faster [117]
It is important for object tracking by pan-tilt camera that it provides refreshing of the input images approximately 25 fps for ...
12 year 117 22580
AVM Map dont work [35]
>> I'll load it up and try it. Which reminds me, where exactly do I load VBscript? First you...
13 year 38 8163

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