330 posts
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script [3]
If RoboRealm complains about missing components you may need to download the Microsoft Script Control: ...
13 year 2 1879
C # Programming with roborealm [3]
I think this thread could be useful: ...
11 year 2 1734
for EDV [3]
Thank you for interest to AVM Navigator module and I hope that we of course will implement it on your robot ;)...
13 year 2 1790
Laser plus object plus center screen [3]
I think that this topic can be useful for your project: ...
12 year 2 1751
AVM and a joystick for training [2]
Look into these topics: http://w...
10 year 2 2447
Controlled recording of images [3]
I think you could use DVR Server plugin for this task because it allows archiving parameters and video data simultaneously:
13 year 2 2073
I have fixed it in AVM Navigator v0.7.4.3....
11 year 2 1825
pixel detection [2]
You could find out more about avm061.dll  here: ...
11 year 2 1689
AVM Navigator (User Perspective) [3]
I think that this topic most informative for now: ...
12 year 2 1905
AVM Navigator [2]
Unfortunately but you can't rename object that was trained from motion from index 0 to another. However you can remove object (...
10 year 2 2003
AVM roborealm Object Recognition and watching mode [2]
No, it is not. The watching mode was developed for robot navigation only. But you could use "Learn...
10 year 2 2051
Can avm navigator be used on my own robot [3]
Yes, you should just find way how transmit control signals from AVM Navigator variables NV_TURRET_BALANCE, NV_L_MOTOR and NV_R_M...
12 year 2 2217
AVM Navigator with arduino [3]
>> I am currently using arduino romeo 328, what program i need to upload in arduino? Is there any sample program?
12 year 2 3117
Automating the learn object process in AVM navigator [3]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.4.2 from your account link.
11 year 2 2811
AVM Navigator Trained object file location [3]
All current data about learned objects, gates and marks is placed in file "avm.dat". This file is located in user folder (for ...
13 year 2 2824
AVM Navigator [2]
It seems that your task is similar to this one: ...
10 year 2 2011
Camera for RR [3]
I already have one and it work well: http://w...
13 year 2 2085
Detect movement in JPGs [3]
I think that DVR Client-Server could be good solution for this task: ...
12 year 2 1909
Clearing recognition data [2]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.5.1 from your account link.
10 year 2 2805
AVM Marker Mode not creating map [3]
You should use arrow keys for robot control in "Marker mode" (it is important for route recording).
12 year 2 3507

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