330 posts
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AVM [4]
I also added special control variables (range from 0 to 255 with 128 being neutral) that you can use immediately with Lego NXT: ...
13 year 3 5516
AVM Angle and VB-Script [3]
Try to use this code: AVM_angle = GetFloatVariable("NV_LOCATION_ANGLE") SetVariable...
12 year 3 2144
AVM Enquiring [3]
I think you should look into this thread: ...
12 year 3 1898
Kinect - AVM Navigator [3]
How you plan to use it? What if you will show us the some of images from your Kinect that you wish ...
12 year 3 1885
People counting [3]
What if you try to use DVR Clint-Server for this purpose? ...
12 year 3 1925
Object Tracking And Triggering [4]
You can try to use AVM Navigator for recognition: ...
14 year 3 2416
New DVR Client version is released [4]
The next update of DVR Client v2.1 is released and you can download it from here: ...
12 year 3 6977
AVM Navigator & Parallax Control [5]
* Connect your robot to AVM Navigator Just use the variables that described below for connection of...
13 year 4 2497
x and y coordinates [3]
>> 1. Why the total number of path on navigate mode is limited to 7? Historically first was d...
12 year 4 3520
Learning AVM object recognition module using available templates [4]
You should previously place all image templates in folder "D:\\temp\\eye" or change the file path in "Load image" module....
12 year 4 2511
Learning AVM object recognition module using available templates [3]
Please download latest version of RoboRealm package with AVM Navigator v0.7.4.3 and use program attached below....
12 year 4 2511
PC Robot Vision Queston [5]
Perhaps the robot navigation can be also interesting for you (AVM Navigator in “Navigation by map” mode): ...
12 year 4 2348
AVM module failure [3]
What camera resolution you use? Can you try to change it to 640x480 or 320x240 pixels?
11 year 4 3008
Can I merge AVM with external control [5]
Sorry, I forgot to include AVM Navigator module to the top of the video pipeline in my program.robo file. It is necessary for pr...
13 year 4 2550
saving an image of highlighted object [3]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.4.2 from your account link.
12 year 4 2727
PC Robot Vision Queston [4]
You can use AVM Navigator plugin for object recognition and tracking: ...
12 year 4 2348
Can I merge AVM with external control [4]
I think for merging of manual and automatic control by Navigator is needed changes in your VBScript program like this:
13 year 4 2550
Human Following [2]
You could try to use motion detection for such task. See “AVM Navigator/Watching mode” for example: ...
11 year 4 2399
AVM NAvigator Delayed in pipe line [4]
Your video http://youtu.be/0cCnMWAQmxU looks really impressive! <...
12 year 4 2994
boe bot and rr [5]
You should use "Scale Variable" module for this purpose: ...
12 year 4 1998

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