330 posts
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Object Tracking And Triggering [4]
You can try to use AVM Navigator for recognition: ...
14 year 3 2478
Detecting black and white circles [5]
For AVM algorithm black and white circles are different objects. It indicated as "c_b" and "c_w" in demonstration video abov...
14 year 8 5991
Detecting black and white circles [3]
You can also try to use AVM Navigator for recognition: ...
14 year 8 5991
Detecting black and white circles [8]
I see much imposter (erroneous) recognition when marker is not presented in eyeshot. But this technique may be also convenient f...
14 year 8 5991
OK, I will ask again [4]
I have not found the robot driver for "Leaf Robot" in Contents\\Control\\Robots of RoboRealm package. Also I can...
14 year 7 2409
OK, I will ask again [3]
First you should connect Navigator variables to your robot for control. ...
14 year 7 2409
Stairs [3]
You can try to train AVM on it :) http:/...
14 year 2 2138
Plugin-Modul Error in 2.28.5 [5]
-= Just for statistics =- I use RoboRealm v2.28.5.0 and it worked properly when I started SwapColor plugin (under ...
14 year 20 3312
Coordinates of image match [3]
Unfortunately there is not way to train automatically AVM algorithm on your database in AVM Navigator plugin. But you can try to...
14 year 2 2519
AVM Object Recognition [3]
The variable NV_ARR_OBJ_IDX is array. You should use VBScript for this task: TotalObj...
14 year 3 5408
Networked RR Servers [8]
Face recognition by AVM algorithm: http://www.youtube.com/<...
14 year 8 4851
AVR Navigator [7]
Navigator plugin was updated. Now you can redownload the RoboRealm package for getting changes. Now...
14 year 8 4016
AVR Navigator [5]
What if you try to use: CenterOfObject_X =  NV_ARR_OBJ_RECT_X[i] + NV_ARR_OBJ_RECT_W[i]/2;
14 year 8 4016
AVR Navigator [3]
Dave, Thank you for good idea it is really important moment for big (heavy) robots. And of course I...
14 year 8 4016
nav question [4]
If this question was connected to AVM Navigator then see example: TotalObj = GetVariable("NV_OBJEC...
14 year 4 2417
Speak Module repeats itself... [10]
It is depend on depth of object tracking (about 40 frames in recognition mode) and when object has disappeared the tracking was ...
14 year 9 5137
lego nxt and AVM [4]
You should train AVM to some object in "Object recognition" mode and then switch to "Navigate mode" for activation of variab...
13 year 3 2279
lego nxt and AVM [3]
There is description of way for control of two running motors: ...
13 year 3 2279
AVM Navigator Trained object file location [3]
All current data about learned objects, gates and marks is placed in file "avm.dat". This file is located in user folder (for ...
13 year 2 2931
AVM [6]
This variables is available in new version of AVM Navigator v0.7. So, you should just redownload your RoboRealm an...
13 year 5 2494

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