5045 threads
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Display charts in kiosk mode without options
It would be very helpful to have the chart from the chart variables modules without the options. I want to displa...
5 year 2 1669
Auto start roborealm
Hi!! I want to know if it's possible to run robrealm after the system boots up? The b...
9 year 2 1670
WiFi ServoContoller
Hello everyone I'm working in Switzerland on a little robot which is controlled with Endurance Ser...
13 year 1 1670
FRC Tracking 2013
Hello, I am using the tracking program tutorial to detect the distance from the robot to the target...
11 year 4 1670
RoboRealm doesn't detect free disk space
Hi, I'm trying to save my processed images, but the Write_Images module reports a free space of 0Mb...
5 year 3 1671
Robotix 16
ROBOTIX 2016 | KSHITIJ | IIT KHARAGPUR Technology Robotix Society presents ROBOTIX 2016, its annua...
8 year 1 1672
Mouse Click
I have been researching on this issue but I can't seem to find a solution. I have a blue LED which I use to control my...
16 year 5 1672
Lego Head Tracking
This is a nice hack I did using robo realm and lego nxt! ...
15 year 2 1672
What is exactly RoboRealm? What all can be done using this? I am interested in creating a robot which can navigate its w...
16 year 4 1673
Extract the foliage
i want to extract and delete the folliage from the pictures. The folliage often appears different color and shape in different i...
16 year 3 1673
Minimum running specifications
Hi all, Im currently making a ir triangulating robot using a simple differential motor robot platform controlled t...
13 year 2 1673
to EDV
To EDV,   When apprx will the "Walking Mode" be included in our download?
13 year 4 1673
Blob circularity and morphology
Hi STeven, I am trying to determine the circularity and morphology of transparent spheres. I am usi...
10 year 1 1673
Accessing two Axis Internet Cameras
I have two Axis internet cameras that I would like to access simultaneously or at a minimal be able to switch between the two ca...
10 year 2 1673
Bug in Python 2.x script implementation?
Hi Steve, not sure whether this is a bug or a feature, example attached: If you print a very long s...
9 year 4 1673
List of compatible multi megapixel industrial cameras
Hi! Maybe there's the list of compatible megapixel industrial cameras? We would like ...
7 year 2 1673
xtion range data
Would it be possible to get access to the range data from LINE mode in the Openni interface? I am u...
10 year 4 1674
Zone -passing
Hello, I would like to count the vehicle that pass the read zone from attached picture.
8 year 3 1674
Bug in VBScript
I'm using RR I'm trying to use VBScript just to copy an array variable into another. The...
15 year 2 1674
using C# and Roborealm
Hello all, I am trying to put together a c# program that only needs to receive a bit...
9 year 2 1675

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