Display charts in kiosk mode without options Anonymous |
6 year
It would be very helpful to have the chart from the chart variables modules without the options.
I want to display the operator's working rate in kiosk mode. I want to plot an expected rate as a straight red line and the operator's rate moving above and below the line. It also would be good to have control over the the chart window so it can be positioned and shown or hidden using button controls or a window/view menu.
I have used a web page for light weight javascript charting but it would be better to have the plotting contained with RoboRealm with tiled windows.
Carl from Your Country [1447 posts] |
6 year
That module creates a CHART_VARIABLE image that can be displayed using the Display Image module in the main RR interface. I think this is what you are asking for. See attached robo for a quick example.