Extract the foliage
nobtiba from Singapore  [8 posts]
16 year
i want to extract and delete the folliage from the pictures. The folliage often appears different color and shape in different images taken by different camera. (See attached images) My question is, how could i extract the foliage from the picture. I tried to used color extration but cannot get very accurate. Especially when there are some people behind the foliage.

Anonymous 16 year
It appears that the leaves always appear much darker than the rest of the image. It that always the case?

Is the intent to remove as in just black out the areas of the leaves or is your intent to create an image as if the leaves did not exist? Is this an attempt to foil a camouflaged object?

Seems like you will be doing a little research on inpainting if that is the case.

nobtiba from Singapore  [8 posts] 16 year
In fact, it is not always the case, only true for this set of image. If i take picture of foliage outdoor then i guess it will be a bit different. However, in most situation the foliage leaves are similar color and shape.

My purpose is to know the coordinates of pixels that belong to the foliage, even a little bit pixel not belong to foliage but still be marked is better then we leave some pixels belong to foliage but we dont know. What i mean here is i would prefer to 'over take' the pixels.

Yes, i also read some inpainting papers but it is for later step. I still need to do this step well first.

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