5045 threads
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8051 development board
Hi, anyone please tell me the cheaper price of 8051 development board from this site ...
8 year 1 1629
Blob morphology
Hi STeven, I am trying to determine the circularity of transparent spheres. I can successfully use ...
10 year 0 1630
Forum bug?
STeven, I observe that there is a change in Forum functionality, so far when I selected category "m...
9 year 3 1630
v 2.80.50
I just upgraded to v 2.80.50 and RR is not interfacing with (recognizing) camera. All was perfect before upgrade. Suggestions? ...
7 year 2 1630
Roborealm not recognizing multiple Playstation Eye cameras
Hello all, I am trying to use 3D Viewer to handle inputs from the two Playstation Eye cameras I hav...
10 year 2 1631
Error while loading .dll file
Hi, I am getting the following error. I have attached the screenshot, hoe do i resolve it?...
9 year 3 1631
motor control
Hi, I am new to roborealm. And I use roborealm to process the pictures to help srv-1b find the objects. I want to know whether t...
16 year 2 1631
Hi, how i do avm navigator. I purchased it last version.
Hi, how i do avm navigator. I purchased it last version....
12 year 2 1631
USB Missiles not firing!!
Just got the USB Missile launcher by Dream Cheeky.... it moves and aims fine but missiles will not fire!!  not sure if...
13 year 2 1633
Edge Detection for laser trimming
Hi, I have a strip of BLACK magnet impregnated polymer. It is 1mm thick and can be any width or len...
11 year 2 1633
Location of barcodes in image
We would like to use RoboRealm to read all barcodes in a stack of cartons as part of a factory automation system.  We ...
5 year 5 1633
Ball Spin Calculation
Hi all, Can you give me some advice on a project I'm working on? I am designing a system that cou...
10 year 3 1634
Implementing side fill ,top most point modules in matlab
Hi everyone, I am trying to make obstacle avoidance robot using computer vision.As apart of it want to implement side fill, top...
14 year 1 1634
Thank you.....Mr.Stevan. Could you please tell me what are the hardware and the software needed other than RoboRealm ?...
13 year 2 1635
Counting bread
Hi all. I have been asked to count bread. Yep but before its cooked. Here is a link to the items passing under a lens
8 year 4 1635
RPI Status
G'day one and all, I'm a new user of RoboRealm and found out about this excellent software via the ...
8 year 3 1636
Confirm color detection
Hi, Steven I'm quiet new using Roborealm in build a robot that can grab the red color ballon green ...
5 year 1 1636
Serial Issues-Extra values
Hello there! Having set my serial communications settings as COM3, 115200,8N1 and using [COG_X][COG_Y], I am recei...
11 year 2 1636
RoboRealm and WI-FI camera
Whether connection of the IP camera to RoboRealm is possible? AXIS-207W, for example?...
16 year 2 1636
I am using VB 2015 .net.  I can talk to the API ok.  I'm trying to use GetCameraFormat and I can't get it to...
8 year 2 1637

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