motor control
Zhiqiang Ye from China  [3 posts]
16 year
Hi, I am new to roborealm. And I use roborealm to process the pictures to help srv-1b find the objects. I want to know whether there is a linear relation between your  motor inputs and srv-1b motor inputs.

With SRV-1B, I could use the function motors(x,y) to set the velocity. Generally, srv-1b will move when x is between 20 and 100.

But in roborealm, you use input between 0~128 to make robot move backward, while 128~255 forward. So, could I just linearly map (128~155) to (20~100)?

Thanks in advance!
Anonymous 16 year
Yes, it is a linear map between 128, 255 and 20, 100. We used 0,255 as that is typically used for controlling other motors via a PC.


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