5045 threads
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Roborealm API for JAVA
I am trying to use the api for java and retrieve some variables from roborealm during my java program execution. I have been tr...
16 year 8 1988
hardware suggestions
I'd like to utilize the color tracking ability and I'm hoping for the easiest plug and play solution. The camera ......
16 year 8 2142
Parallel Port Stepper Control
It seems like I'm not seeing all the parallel port bits in the drop down list. The board I'm usin...
16 year 1 2156
SRV-1b extra pin voltages
Hi STeven, I was just wondering, what voltages are used for the surveyor SRV-1's extra pins? (H10-...
16 year 6 2240
No Title
hi,steven,   I'm now using RoboRealm1.8.1. I just got an image capture card and a camera.
16 year 1 2836
Hi I'm using the sample line module which creates a variable titled SAMPLE_LINE_POINTS.  ...
16 year 2 1505
iRobot Create with serial Cable.
Having issues with Irobot Craete not working correctly when used with a serial cable.  Works fine when used with a BAM...
16 year 1 2823
Problems with Logitech Orbit
Having issues with the Logitech Orbit.  When it moves to the extreme, or you use the home button-- It stops re...
16 year 13 2483
Logitech Fusion exposure time
Is there a way for the program to set the Logitech Fusion exposure time using a variable or something? That way I can have it ru...
16 year 1 1855
LED controllers via Roborealm
So for a PC project I want LED control, and I want dynamic input like web input steering/motion would be, not just choreographed...
16 year 4 2111
Find Edge - won't find edges
Hello, I can't seem to get FIND EDGE to return any values using the...
16 year 0 2554
No Title
The last image upload gave me an error.  Here is one more try [image1]...
16 year 0 3263
Changing a tutorial file crashes roborealm
Hi STeven, I've just been trying to change the filter in the program given in this post from a yel...
16 year 2 1507
Hi, while using RR API of by any language like VC++ or java, i am getting following error-
16 year 2 1548
Thank you for this brilliant tool
I have been working on a PC based robot since I saw the OAP project on the web. Mine uses XP and Java though, although the princ...
16 year 1 2553
vb.net API sample is not work
When I try to run the vb.net API sample I get the following error: "Cannot create ActiveX component." in reference to this lin...
16 year 3 2440
Image Analysis Help/Limitations?
Hello, I have an image composed of rectangles (black and red), logos and some text. &n...
16 year 7 2089
Obstacle Tracking
  Was testing with roborealm and two camera's and observed that tracking my obstacles could be done only at a short d...
16 year 5 1783
SRV-1 Blackfin MSRS
Hi, I see there is a way to connect roborealm to MSRS. Is there a way i can use the Surveyor SRV-1...
16 year 4 1997
Stereo Vision
Hi Steven, From what I see, RoboRealm is a great platform for robotic machine vision applications....
16 year 1 2099

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