16 year

I'm using the sample line module which creates a variable titled SAMPLE_LINE_POINTS.  I am then writing this variable to a file.
I was wondering, what type of variable is SAMPLE_LINE_POINTS, and is there a way to determine whether it contains data or not? With the goal of this being to use it in an if statement to decide whether or not to write to the file.

Anonymous 16 year
The SAMPLE_LINE_POINTS variable is an array. Thus in VBScript you would need to use the GetArrayVariable in order to access that variable. In your case you can use the IF statement module to check if that variable is zero or not as the IF statement module will use the size of the array as a default value (as apposed to the first entry of the array that might also be expected.) Thus a simple IF statement module surrounding the write variable module that checks for a non-zero value in SAMPLE_LINE_POINTS should do the trick.


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