5045 threads
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Microphone from the webcam
Is there anyway to activate the microphone on the webcam and listen ? I am using a Philips spc100nc.
16 year 2 1535
Feed a video file into roborealm?
Is there a way to feed a video into roborealm the same way that you can load an image into roborealm? This would be very useful...
16 year 2 1763
Point Cloud Analysis
Hi STeven, I'm playing around with a home made laser scanner with RoboRealm anaysis. It se...
16 year 9 3875
No Title
Hi STeven, Just another thing I noticed. In the .robo file attached I have the same green blob I am...
16 year 2 2708
COG is not actually part of image?
Hi STeven, I am just emailing because I wanted to know if there is a bit of an eroor with the fact...
16 year 3 1607
A good idea to implement
Hi STeven, I just wanted to tell you a good idea that I just had about Roborealm and its usage.
16 year 5 2184
Recording video
When recoding a video using "Write AVI", the file size is very large (1.5Mb per second). Is there...
16 year 2 1929
Orbit MP + servo
I see you have an Orbit MP module, and I am interested in slaving a group of servos to mimic the movement a user puts into the W...
16 year 14 2285
Need some help in orientation
Hi.. I am using robo realm for chasing a moving object, for that i need to know robot orientation. Can it be done...
16 year 2 1710
serial port reading problem
Hi, I am trying to stream data from a digital compass, the basic code below:
16 year 2 2169
No Title
does roborealm offer any algorithm to convert a image into a text file to make it read using a text to speech converter...
16 year 2 2778
Distance Variable
Can anyone tell me what variable i should be using to estimate the distance to an object ?...
16 year 5 2466
RoboRealm crashing
Hi, Has anyone experienced roborealm crashing while trying to use the Flood Fill? I'm using Windows Vista....
16 year 6 2062
Shape Matching/Vanishing point
Hi All! I am looking for a way to control a robotic arm to pick up pieces/uniform objects from a ra...
16 year 2 1486
Logitech QuickCam Communicate Delux Trouble
Hi, I am very excited to try the software it looks great.  However, I am having trouble with my webcam.&...
16 year 2 1530
Editing pixels in the image
I would like to use pixel data from one image (marker A) to edit pixels in the second image (marker B). e.g. if pixel (200, 300)...
16 year 3 1980
controlling a robot over the internet
I am looking to use RoboRealm to provide an easy interface for controlling a robot over the Internet.  I have studied...
16 year 3 2165
Tracking for distance
  I am trying to track red objects in front of the camera that are square and have dimensions of 15cmx15cm and height...
16 year 4 1869
Hi STeven, Thanks for your help with the path planning module. We have managed to get one r...
16 year 13 3041
Ping-Pong robot
For our senior design project in mechanical engineering, we are to make a robot that plays a slow game of ping pong. The mechani...
16 year 2 1746

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