78 posts
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Virtual Camera [7]
Steve, Thanks for the VCAM change. I was only recognizing one object ...
15 year 8 4107
Virtual Camera [8]
Steve, I tested the newest version of VCAM in I installed the driver and ran RoboRealm b...
15 year 8 4107
New Object Recognition Module [4]
Steve, I've been testing out the new Objection Recognition Module. Here are some bug reports:
14 year 5 4711
Circles Fill Color [4]
Got it. It's as though this module was designed for Connect Four and Checkers! BTW: here's a link...
16 year 3 2207
X-10 communication? [6]
A usb to serial adapter would work for the CM11A interface but probably not for the Firecracker (based on my own setup)....
16 year 5 2589
How to work with unsupported camera's/ Genicam [3]
Do you have an application running on Windows that can display the uEye camera image? If so, you can us the screen capture funct...
14 year 2 2241
Android OS [4]
Steve, I vote for good object recognition. Have you guys experimented with the SURF algorithm? Also...
14 year 5 4172
Home Robot Project [4]
Thanks Steven. I'm not betting on winning the contest but it did force me to accelerate my prototype completion. I also learned...
12 year 6 2833
Android OS [6]
Most of RoboRealm works under Ubuntu using WINE. However, the webcam support isn't functioning properly. Do a search for "ubun...
14 year 5 4172
Home Robot Project [7]
Alan, One big advantage of Skype is the ability to establish a video link without the need to mess ...
12 year 6 2833
Ai Ball WiFi Camera [3]
Thanks Steven. I'll order one today and will give it a try....
11 year 3 4016
New Object Recognition Module [6]
Soon I'll have my poker playing robot and Vegas here we come! Steven, thanks for the updates. Here...
14 year 5 4711
Symbol recognition [3]
Look at the Fiducial module: h...
14 year 2 2086
Video from another program. [3]
If the desktop is on the same computer that is running RoboRealm you can use the Screen Capture module:
14 year 2 2191
RoboRealm works mostly in Linux Wine! [3]
Here's an update on my RoboRealm experimentation under Ubuntu and Wine. I was able to get an ip c...
16 year 4 4793
DLink Internet Camera and Circles [3]
Steven, I figured it out based on a previous mosaic.robo file that you created. The trick was to us...
16 year 3 2035
Image Repair by Inpainting [4]
Steven, I just read about inpainting in the "Learning OpenCV" book by Bradski and Kaehler and tho...
14 year 5 4101
version red object tracking [4]
Hi Steven, I ran the file and red object tracking works without crashing RoboRealm <...
16 year 3 2432
Image Repair by Inpainting [6]
Steven, Thanks for the tip. I added a canny filter to your robo file and saw that the wires disappe...
14 year 5 4101
"Internal Error- Could not access dll's name." [2]
Steve, RR eval version 2.30.3 fixed the dll error on my main computer but I still see the error on ...
14 year 2 2449

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