X-10 communication?
Michael Kirschner  [8 posts]
15 year

I am wondering if there is a way to control x10 or similar computer (serial or usb connected) switches so that I could use RR to deliberate and turn certain lights on and off?

It appears these controllers have independent software they use to send signals, I'll do more research.
Anonymous 15 year

By all means do some more research. We've not done anything with X10 but these guys along with other home automation projects have.


Danh from United States  [79 posts] 15 year
The CM11A serial port computer interface is commonly used to talk to X10 devices. Google to find more info on this interface.

The X10 Firecracker is also useful on a mobile robot but it requires a true serial port to work in most cases (I've had problems with USB to serial port converters)

Here's a site with a brief overview of X10 computer interface devices:


Anonymous 15 year
so it seems I would be able to simply use a serial module and a serial to usb converter to communicate with the x10 controller?
Danh from United States  [79 posts] 15 year
A usb to serial adapter would work for the CM11A interface but probably not for the Firecracker (based on my own setup).

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