Video from another program.
Skylar from Australia  [1 posts]
13 year
I am using the trial version, as I have been unable to locate the function I want.

Doesn't mean it doesn't exist, just that I have not found it.

I am looking at programming roborealm in a virtual environment first. I want to point it to a section of the screen/desktop and be able to send the occasional key command to that program.

I have tried linking RoboRealm to Manycam, with the section of the desktop, but this instantly crashes RoboRealm.

Is there any way to get this working?

Thank you.
Danh from United States  [79 posts] 13 year
If the desktop is on the same computer that is running RoboRealm you can use the Screen Capture module:


Then use the Keyboard Send module for keystrokes:


Best place to figure out the RoboRealm capabilities is by using the webased documentation. Also, clicking on interesting Google Ads will help pay Steven's bills ;-)


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