78 posts
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Kinect [5]
Nice! You guys can impress us again by adding gesture recognition ;-)...
14 year 17 9158
Face recognition progress [11]
Look at Haar in the Object Recognition module. Steven and his team have done a great job with this module:
13 year 14 8426
RR is not free! [21]
The latest version has things you'll want to use like Object Recognition. Take your energy and post a useful project using Robo...
13 year 21 8213
Question about older freeware version of RoboRealm [5]
As someone who has purchased RoboRealm $89 is a great deal. Steve has always provided excellent support and we want to make sure...
14 year 8 6114
Virtual IP Camera? [2]
Steve, I built a WinXP controlled robot with some webcams on it. However, because the motherboard I...
16 year 4 5924
Virtual IP Camera? [4]
Thanks for the server/client info. For my object recognition I used software that came with my ER-1...
16 year 4 5924
RoboRealm works mostly in Linux Wine! [3]
Here's an update on my RoboRealm experimentation under Ubuntu and Wine. I was able to get an ip c...
16 year 4 4813
RoboRealm works mostly in Linux Wine! [2]
Steve, Did you know that RoboRealm will mostly run in the latest version of Ubuntu running WINE? I ...
16 year 4 4813
RoboRealm works mostly in Linux Wine! [5]
Another update on running RoboRealm in Ubuntu using Wine: I previously reported that I got a D-Link...
16 year 4 4813
New Object Recognition Module [2]
Steve, Wow! Thanks for the new Object Recognition Module. I've been playing around with it to reco...
14 year 5 4738
New Object Recognition Module [6]
Soon I'll have my poker playing robot and Vegas here we come! Steven, thanks for the updates. Here...
14 year 5 4738
New Object Recognition Module [4]
Steve, I've been testing out the new Objection Recognition Module. Here are some bug reports:
14 year 5 4738
Official Kinect Drivers [2]
FYI - Official Microsoft Kinect drivers coming in Spring! Should make driver installs easier along with access to other features...
13 year 6 4262
Mosaic Function [2]
Steve, The 240x180 Image Size for Mosaic doesn't appear to show images properly - there is some ty...
14 year 9 4246
Mosaic Function [6]
Steve, I have a 4x2 grid in the mosaic mode and would like 4 labels on the first and 4 labels on t...
14 year 9 4246
Mosaic Function [4]
Steve, I also noticed that the Mosaic allows up to a 4x4 window grid but the Display Variables only...
14 year 9 4246
Android OS [6]
Most of RoboRealm works under Ubuntu using WINE. However, the webcam support isn't functioning properly. Do a search for "ubun...
14 year 5 4199
Android OS [4]
Steve, I vote for good object recognition. Have you guys experimented with the SURF algorithm? Also...
14 year 5 4199
Working RoboRealm & Webcam in Ubuntu! [3]
oops. Wrong .robo file attached above. Here's the correct one....
16 year 3 4188
Working RoboRealm & Webcam in Ubuntu! [2]
Here it is folks: RoboRealm running in Ubuntu and Wine with a working webcam. I forgot that the most obvious thing to do for Web...
16 year 3 4188

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