78 posts
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Object Recognition Image Extraction [2]
Steven, What's the best way to extract an image from the Object Recognition module once it is reco...
14 year 1 2886
Home Robot Project [7]
Alan, One big advantage of Skype is the ability to establish a video link without the need to mess ...
12 year 6 2853
Home Robot Project [4]
Thanks Steven. I'm not betting on winning the contest but it did force me to accelerate my prototype completion. I also learned...
12 year 6 2853
Home Robot Project [2]
Here's a home robot I've been building. Will eventually use Roborealm for playing Connect4 and object recognition. It was ente...
12 year 6 2853
Simulate Long Exposure Time [3]
Thanks Steven. Works pretty well. My robot is dark so I choose to track dark colored changes.
10 year 4 2819
Simulate Long Exposure Time
Hi Steven, Just got the commercial version for work. Wanted to show my boss a simple program where ...
10 year 4 2819
X-10 communication? [6]
A usb to serial adapter would work for the CM11A interface but probably not for the Firecracker (based on my own setup)....
16 year 5 2616
X-10 communication? [4]
The CM11A serial port computer interface is commonly used to talk to X10 devices. Google to find more info on this interface.
16 year 5 2616
"Internal Error- Could not access dll's name." [2]
Steve, RR eval version 2.30.3 fixed the dll error on my main computer but I still see the error on ...
14 year 2 2468
version red object tracking [4]
Hi Steven, I ran the file and red object tracking works without crashing RoboRealm <...
16 year 3 2453
version red object tracking [2]
Hi, I've tried all of the filters under "Examples" in version and all work fine except ...
16 year 3 2453
Windows 8 RT [6]
Looks like some of these small 8" tablets will have full blown Windows 8 instead of Windows 8 RT! ...
11 year 5 2453
Windows 8 RT [4]
Windows RT isn't popular yet but hopefully that will change when lower cost devices hit the market. I heard that future operati...
11 year 5 2453
Windows 8 RT [2]
Steven, Any plans for Roborealm to support Windows 8 RT? Cheap ~$250 7" Windows 8 RT tablets will ...
11 year 5 2453
Barcode Reader [2]
Steven, Could you check to see if the MaxiCode is working in the Barcode Reader module? I tried to ...
14 year 2 2427
USB2Dynamixel [2]
Steven, Here is another must have item you should support: ...
14 year 1 2411
Extreme RoboRealm [5]
Steve, Thanks a lot for that Robo file! Mosaic function is a lot easier. My cpu is hitting only 50%...
16 year 4 2400
Extreme RoboRealm [2]
Guys, I thought you'll would like to see a screen shot of me running 6 instances of RoboRealm that...
16 year 4 2400
x10 firecracker [2]
Steven, Can you add support for the x10 firecracker? ...
14 year 3 2301
x10 firecracker [4]
Steven, I had downloaded some VB code from the web to control the firecracker for my iRobot Create ...
14 year 3 2301

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