Ai Ball WiFi Camera
Danh from United States  [79 posts]
11 year

Do you think Roborealm supports this miniature Wifi camera called the Ai Ball below?


It appears to be able to generate a raw MPEG video stream according to the support question below:


Question:Can I view my Ai-Ball video in software that use webcams such as Skype and MSN Messenger?

Answer:Yes. You can do so by downloading a free third-party DirectShow Filter "IP Camera [JPEG/MJPEG] DirectShow Filter" from http://www.webcamxp.com/download.aspx. An illustration of the setup for Skype is provided beneath:
1) Open Skype
2) Go to "Tools"->"Options"
3) Go to "General" sheet on the left and select "Video settings" on the left
4) On the right, above the webcam preview, there is a list of webcams to choose from. Choose "IP Camera [JPEG/MJPEG]"
5) Click on "Webcam settings", below the webcam preview. In the new window, choose "Raw Url Mode"
6) Type your camera video streaming command line in the textbox beneath "Raw Url Mode". For eg. if the IP address of your Ai-Ball is "", type "" in the textbox below raw url mode and check "MJPEG mode"
7) Select 15 from Filter's Frame Rate [fps], the combobox in the middle-bottom part of the window
8) Press Save
9) Press O
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year
Should work. We're trying to order one but having problems with the delivery address (apparently we don't exist!) but I think if you throw that url

with your correct IP address into the READ_HTTP module it should probably start streaming images. That module supports the MJPEG which is what they claim the camera can do so its a good chance that just works.

Danh from United States  [79 posts] 11 year
Thanks Steven. I'll order one today and will give it a try.

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