1530 posts
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RoboRealm Network Tables [6]
RR's version is right in the application title ... i.e. the thing you grab when you move the window :-)
9 year 11 2624
RoboRealm Network Tables [4]
Ok, when you say out of the RoboRio do you mean from the RoboRio to RR or from the RoboRio to your C++ app?
9 year 11 2624
Line detection and object tracking parallel [2]
Yes, there is. Think about what the higher priority is (I would assume obstacle avoidance) and do that first. If nothing is dete...
10 year 3 2624
RoboRealm Network Tables [2]
Donnie, If TableViewer is not compatible with RoboRio then the NetworkTables module will not be eit...
9 year 11 2624
Bug in sample color module [2]
Dawson, That confidence number is relative to all the potential samples. With only one sample it wi...
10 year 3 2622
Display text in color? [3]
Petr, In the latest version 2.47.15 you can type in [text_color]
11 year 2 2620
How do I tell Roborealm the path to Python Modules? [4]
Carter, My bad ... I read your question incorrectly. After testing tha...
8 year 5 2618
How do I tell Roborealm the path to Python Modules? [2]
Carter, You can download the most recent version which has additional checks for that. Its most lik...
8 year 5 2618
Email Module MAPI [2]
James, We think we found the issue. If you had specified an attachment, the temporary file was not ...
9 year 2 2618
temperature sensor [2]
James, That will normally just require a small formula to do. Most likely the manufacturer of the s...
9 year 2 2612
Overlays on multiple camera views [3]
Mai, I'm not sure I understand the question completely, but if you want to display different overl...
11 year 3 2611
Resulting image size [5]
As in you want to turn the bottle to get a couple shots and then merge them all together? Can you include 2 more shots from eith...
11 year 6 2607
Resulting image size [3]
Cancel that last post, I think we understand what the problem is. We'll make a correction and upload a newer version.
11 year 6 2607
Resulting image size [2]
Huckleberry, Not necessarily. The image is shrunk in the middle to make up for the expansion on the...
11 year 6 2607
Certainty [4]
Roland, What we normally do in these kinds of circumstances is to wait until the image is stable .....
10 year 4 2601
Certainty [2]
Roland, I'm not sure I understand what you are asking for? Perhaps you are looking for the Filter ...
10 year 4 2601
Nearest blob to refference line [2]
Dawson, We added NearestX and NearestY attributes to the blob filter. Give it a try. ...
10 year 3 2600
avm navigator and arduino UNO [2]
This is discussed at length in ...
9 year 2 2598
roborealm and arduino [2]
Can you post the control code that you tried which worked and the robofile that you currently had loaded into RR? We can then co...
8 year 2 2598
Directional close [3]
Dawson, That's been added to 2.48.22. Give it a try and see if that is what you needed. The result...
11 year 9 2598

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