1530 posts
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Directional close [3]
Dawson, That's been added to 2.48.22. Give it a try and see if that is what you needed. The result...
11 year 9 2598
Writing to Clipboard [2]
That seems like a good idea ... just a clarification, is just one variable sufficient? If not, what's the easiest format for mu...
10 year 4 2596
embryo detection [2]
I wouldn't use the RGB filter ... that implies that color is a distinguishing factor for this image which it isn't. Instead, can...
9 year 2 2596
Writing to Clipboard [4]
Pinpres, A radio button selection has been added to the Write_Variables module to allow for writing...
10 year 4 2596
Capturing probe pins positions on VB6 application [2]
Min, Something like the attached? You will need to test this on MANY more images.
10 year 2 2593
SetImage [2]
Instead of "BINARY" (which is a black and white image) you probably mean "GRAY" or "FBGR" (flipped RGB image where 1 byte for ea...
5 year 2 2593
Robot tracking Robot [2]
Jerry, Nicely done! Those are good test videos. What we noticed is that when the detection fails it...
7 year 4 2593
Robot tracking Robot [4]
Nice video! Gaussian blur can help to smooth the image a bit and blend the colors into a more smoot...
7 year 4 2593
AVM Navigator [2]
The AVM module was a 3rd party module that we don't have any control over in terms of development. There are other modules that ...
8 year 3 2591
importing variables into roborealm [15]
The Execute module wasn't written to accept input not immediately available (such as a person typing in a response). We've re-or...
8 year 14 2591
importing variables into roborealm [10]
Can you check quickly what happens when you select the "wait for program exit" on the second execute? You have it on the first b...
8 year 14 2591
importing variables into roborealm [5]
Make that print '1\r\n' based on the receive sequence (forgot the newl...
8 year 14 2591
importing variables into roborealm [4]
Yes, you can use 'print 1' or 'print 2' in your app to output text that then gets stored in the variable ... give it a try!
8 year 14 2591
importing variables into roborealm [2]
If you read the docs at ...
8 year 14 2591
importing variables into roborealm [8]
The order of the modules is relevant ... I can't tell if that is your issue unless you post your robofile. Its also possible som...
8 year 14 2591
counting screws [2]
There are many ways ... perhaps you can be more specific. For example see the attached. STeven....
10 year 2 2587
Write Image [5]
You can only use VBscript to "setup" the variables to be used in those modules. You cannot 'call' the module as you would a ...
11 year 4 2587
Write Image [3]
Since executing the If Statement only once per signal seems to be a common issue, we've added a "Latch" condition in the If S...
11 year 4 2587
Challenges with fiducial recognition when on the ground [2]
Vince, Yes, using more than one point of view can certainly help. The fiducial system does take int...
10 year 3 2585
Video [2]
Yes, see http://www.robore...
9 year 2 2581

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