193 posts
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Lego_NXT module [18]
The NXT will be powered on, but not running any of its programs.  I plan to have RR running before my turn; to start t...
9 year 32 3782
wireless transmission over serial [8]
I had luck with a <a href="http://www.usconverters.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=70">wireless serial adapter</a...
13 year 8 3855
Unstable variable assignments [2]
I have been using Robo Realm to control My 300 lb robot Ethel. I keep having problems with the variable names changing in the mo...
14 year 7 3859
Unstable variable assignments [4]
OK, STeven. Here's the .robo file for the joystick and the scc32 board. I'm going to try running...
14 year 7 3859
Image Repair by Inpainting [4]
Steven, I just read about inpainting in the "Learning OpenCV" book by Bradski and Kaehler and tho...
13 year 5 3878
Button Interface [4]
Right now I am making a mobile robot.  It has a lot of features like pan/tilt camera, laser pointer, and encoders on t...
14 year 4 3893
Crashing [10]
Oh, I should further explain the environment.  This is a windows Vista workstation on my LAN.  The LAN uses ...
13 year 14 3895
object tracking with Parallel Port control without servo motors
thank u again for your replay but try to undertsand what i need sorry for my spelling but i do not have servo motors like the on...
17 year 1 3897
how to connect roborealm to c++? [2]
How can I connect wireless to C++ using Roborealm. I'm goona display the view from the wireless camera on the GUI of C++. I hop...
15 year 11 3961
Trendnet Camera and KWorld Video Capture [7]
I got the trendnet camera to work. It's a little delayed but framerate is great and I can track some simple blobs right now. I\...
16 year 9 3963
RoboRealm and Lego RCX Usb [2]
Hello, I have connected a wireless camera to an Eminent video grabber. When I use the...
14 year 10 4102
RoboRealm and Lego RCX Usb [10]
i planning to buy a wireless camera and use a video audio grabber to connect to computer..can roborealm detect the camera and di...
14 year 10 4102
pololu servo control via xbee [7]
Hi,  My pololu ssc has arrived,here is what i have. I have an xbee pro connected via usb to my pc with baud rate set a...
10 year 11 4139
pololu servo control via xbee [2]
Sparky, Have you tried using the Pololu_SSC module for this? The maestro module specifically uses U...
10 year 11 4139
color recognition [5]
Hi Steven ( I am a Korean and bad at writing English, so I appreciate you understanding me)
11 year 7 4153
Path planning using Voronoi Diagrams [5]
Hello Okay. So how do I then handle the problem that arises with the path planning module itself as described belo...
14 year 4 4158
Automatically image learning [7]
Steven,    I don't have any pictures of what I'm trying to do, most of this is all just...
12 year 14 4189
How to upload to robot, Rovio- New at this [3]
Hi, I'm assuming you are using RoboRealm with the Rovio. Unfortunate...
14 year 4 4194
"Virtual Reality" [6]
All that information sounds great.  Taking a step back, I'll describe what I want to accomplish then we can decide wh...
13 year 6 4215
Minimum requirements
Hi all, im planing on using a mini-itx board do use roborealm to make a rover. http://www.via.com.t...
16 year 2 4395

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