193 posts
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Recommend a wireless camera
I want to get a wireless camera to mount on a robot, but i have not been able to choose one.  I like those micro camer...
16 year 15 14817
Now AVM is working faster [113]
I am using xbee module pro . I am trying to interface it with RR, has been trying to communicate but still no success. But u ve ...
12 year 117 21709
Now AVM is working faster [108]
Hi EDV / Steven, i would like to use xbee module on arduino and using wireless camera, do my arduino program need some changes o...
12 year 117 21709
Boe Bot Serial Communication [66]
Steven Gentner,thanks for the reply! I have changed the buad to 9600 and I have used the parameter ...
15 year 73 42737

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