Unstable variable assignments
Steven Nelson from United States  [4 posts]
15 year
I have been using Robo Realm to control My 300 lb robot Ethel. I keep having problems with the variable names changing in the modules that I assign them to.  I am using the joystick mapper module to read a Logitech wireless joystick In the upper left corner of the module you enter the joystick variables mine are joy_x and joy_y. So I put them in their little forms and then exit the module and then I added the script and then I added the Lynxmotion ssc=32 servo control modual that uses the variables to send pwm signals to my speed controller and of course I saved all of this as a .robo file and everything is happy.

Now I keep getting these problems with the variable names in the joystick module keeps changing like joy_y becomes joy_x and that makes MY large robot unpredictable and impossible to control until I go into the module and retype the correct variable name.

This bug causes a very dangerous situation. I have also noticed the same problem in the SCC-32 module as well. It also keeps changing the variable names assigned to different servo channels.  I can not figure out if it's something I'm doing wrong or if this is a bug.  I really like using this software but this problem scares me due to the size and power of my robot. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Anonymous 15 year

That is indeed very distressing ... we've not had reports of this kind of error before and a quick test of those two modules appear to be ok. Perhaps you could post your robofile which may have something in it that is causing the error. That will us help better determine what the problem might be rather than guessing.

Steven Nelson from United States  [4 posts] 15 year
OK, STeven.

Here's the .robo file for the joystick and the scc32 board. I'm going to try running it on a different computer with the SCC-32 board and a joystick and see what happens.

I should also mention that on Ethel (the robot) I'm using a lot of wireless USB devices, including a Logitech wireless joystick, Logitech wireless keyboard and Mouse. The Lynxmotion SSC-32 board is also connected to a USB port with a Parallax USB to Serial adapter.

I'll also be doing some testing to try and eliminate possible hardware conflicts in the robot as well. I sure appreciate you looking at this for me. This scripting and module stuff is very new to me. It's (totally cool) by the way...

Another question: Is it necessary to include a shifted _ in the variable names for proper operation?
Anonymous 14 year
I should mention that I found out why the variables change in the joystic module it because I use the scroll wheel on my mouse a lot and for some reason whenever you open a module the cursor goes to an open box were you asign variables. So if I dont notice this and scroll the page with the scroll wheel the variables cycle through in the selected box. Boy that can make bad things happen on a robot this size..
Anonymous 14 year
Good point. The latest version 2.13.0 ensure that nothing is in focus when the GUI module comes up to prevent this from happening. Most of the modules were not configured with this focusing in mind so no-focus is a good overall solution to prevent your issue from happening again.

Thanks for the tip!
Paul D from Canada  [45 posts] 14 year
I have seen similar problems in the SET_VARIABLE module.
We assign 2 user variables V_CAM_EXP = -5 and V_CAM_GAIN=160.
When the set_variables module is re-openned the variable name V_CAM_EXP is consistantly replaced with V_CAM_GAIN.  

I am not sure if it is just a display problem or if the XML data is corrupt. I will look at teh robo file and let you know.
Anonymous 14 year

Could you include the robofile that you are seeing this in? We've tested it out with your above description but are unable to replicate this error. Perhaps there is another module in your pipeline that is causing the error in the set_variable module. Knowing which other modules you are using will help us track down this issue.


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