Image Repair by Inpainting
Danh from United States  [79 posts]
13 year

Any plans to add an inpainting module to RoboRealm? Looking to repair images using inpainting.

Anonymous 13 year

Do you have any sample images? We've actually looked into this quite a while ago and just didn't have much of a reason to launch that module. Seems to be an interesting area for film reconstruction but didn't know how much use it would be for typical RoboRealm uses (whatever that may be!).

Danh from United States  [79 posts] 13 year

I just read about inpainting in the "Learning OpenCV" book by Bradski and Kaehler and thought it might be useful in the following applications:

Attached is a picture showing wires on my laminate flooring. I was thinking of using inpainting to make the wires "disappear" before doing an edge detection. Also, there's a good picture at Wikipedia that shows inpainting of an image that could be the result of a momentary bad signal reception on a wireless analog transmitter.



Anonymous 13 year
Unfortunately the image in Wiki is manually done ... nothing we've seen can create a hairline based on the information around that distortion ... so while very useful that particular example doesn't help us much in the automated world.

A crude way of removing most of the wire in your image is to use a max and min filter ... see attached. It is by no means as good as true in-painting but it is an interesting result.

Danh from United States  [79 posts] 13 year

Thanks for the tip. I added a canny filter to your robo file and saw that the wires disappeared. Then I realized that the Canny filter itself already had a low/high threshold setting that could make the wires disappear without needing a min/max filter in the pipeline.

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