5045 threads
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I am attempting to run the Trossen desktop movement tracking file with RoboRealm 2.32.0.  I does not track but places...
13 year 3 3373
cog box size variable never resets to null?
This is more a vb script question, how can I get a bunch of variables to reset after the cog module is no longer displaying on s...
15 year 5 2660
COG broken, mostly
im having trouble with the COG tracking correctly . . . my method (see included black and w...
17 year 4 3028
COG Crop
Is there a way to track only in a given section of the camera? Like a cropped section, without having to crop out the entire vie...
12 year 2 2603
COG for large images
The COG module doesn't seem to work for the attached, very large image and the Geometric Statistics module gives negative value...
15 year 3 3297
COG is not actually part of image?
Hi STeven, I am just emailing because I wanted to know if there is a bit of an eroor with the fact...
16 year 3 1605
COG of detected circles
I was wondering if there was a way to find the center of gravity of individual circles in an image. Here is my circle de...
17 year 4 3794
COG, overlay
Hello, in module Center of Gravity there is such function: "overlay graphics on source image"
17 year 8 3438
I am lost on how to connect to my Cognex 5403 camera. In the drop down list its not there which I didn't expect it to. The came...
10 year 2 1610
COG_BOX_SIZE = 0 when box display = 100%
I just noticed a bug in RR 2.14.15.  If you use the COG module and set the displayed box size to 100%, then the COG_BO...
14 year 3 3679
coin sorting based on shiny or not
Hey, can this software be used to sort coins based on how shiny or dirty they are? For example if ...
8 year 2 1642
Color Balance (Or for us non-Americans; Colour Balance)
I think I must be having a dumb moment but how do you access the Color Balance module? I can't seem to find it anywhere...
16 year 3 2322
Color Ball Detection
I am working on a class project where I need to detect the color of black, white, or red ping balls moving down a conveyor and n...
12 year 2 3283
Color detection
Hi, I am working on a project where I am trying to quantify the colors I have on an image. Specifically the image below, where I...
8 year 3 1758
color detection program
Hi steven, I'm doing an exact project as in this link (http://www.instructables.com/id/Automatic-Poker-Chip-Sorte...
9 year 2 1706
Color filter using the color picker...tips?
I have this nice ring of glue that I would like to inspect for foreign material like the black speck at 3 O'clock on th...
17 year 5 3456
Color Filtering
is there any way i can make it so that dark colors,become darker and light colors become lighter to better seperate obje...
16 year 2 1988
Color in the lines
Attached is the image of three lines. Each line has a slightly varying color. Is it possible for me to get some color informatio...
14 year 3 3319
Color object tracking
Hi, I read the 'color object tracking' and I wonder if is it possible to read the coordinates from...
15 year 2 1532
color recognition
Hi I have three types color of cars which are green, red, and blue. I want to recognize them with only color. Came...
11 year 7 4134

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