78 posts
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Working RoboRealm & Webcam in Ubuntu! [2]
Here it is folks: RoboRealm running in Ubuntu and Wine with a working webcam. I forgot that the most obvious thing to do for Web...
16 year 3 4214
x10 firecracker [4]
Steven, I had downloaded some VB code from the web to control the firecracker for my iRobot Create ...
14 year 3 2323
Windows 8
Steven, In the FAQ Windows 8 is not listed as a compatible OS. Is that still correct?
11 year 3 3165
RoboRealm Screen Capture [4]
Steve, For the screen capture dialogue box could you guys add the capability to select the window c...
16 year 3 2099
x10 firecracker [2]
Steven, Can you add support for the x10 firecracker? ...
14 year 3 2323
Ai Ball WiFi Camera [3]
Thanks Steven. I'll order one today and will give it a try....
11 year 3 4068
version red object tracking [4]
Hi Steven, I ran the file and red object tracking works without crashing RoboRealm <...
16 year 3 2476
Kiosk Mode [2]
Steve, In Kiosk mode I noticed that small image sizes like 320x240 won't center in the Window afte...
16 year 3 2274
RoboRealm Screen Capture [3]
Found it! I guess I should read your documentation before asking any more questions ;-) ...
16 year 3 2099
Circles Fill Color [4]
Got it. It's as though this module was designed for Connect Four and Checkers! BTW: here's a link...
16 year 3 2252
Ai Ball WiFi Camera
Steven, Do you think Roborealm supports this miniature Wifi camera called the Ai Ball below?
11 year 3 4068
version red object tracking [2]
Hi, I've tried all of the filters under "Examples" in version and all work fine except ...
16 year 3 2476
RoboRealm Screen Capture [2]
Steve, Can you guys add a screen capture function to RoboRealm? This function would capture some us...
16 year 3 2099
Where is the vcam driver? [3]
It's in the directory where RoboRealm is installed. On my computer it is c:\\roborealm....
16 year 4 2284
Virtual IP Camera? [4]
Thanks for the server/client info. For my object recognition I used software that came with my ER-1...
16 year 4 5962
Extreme RoboRealm [5]
Steve, Thanks a lot for that Robo file! Mosaic function is a lot easier. My cpu is hitting only 50%...
16 year 4 2425
Simulate Long Exposure Time [3]
Thanks Steven. Works pretty well. My robot is dark so I choose to track dark colored changes.
10 year 4 2856
Virtual IP Camera? [2]
Steve, I built a WinXP controlled robot with some webcams on it. However, because the motherboard I...
16 year 4 5962
RoboRealm works mostly in Linux Wine! [3]
Here's an update on my RoboRealm experimentation under Ubuntu and Wine. I was able to get an ip c...
16 year 4 4845
Simulate Long Exposure Time
Hi Steven, Just got the commercial version for work. Wanted to show my boss a simple program where ...
10 year 4 2856

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