Where is the vcam driver?
Win Heagy from United States  [31 posts]
16 year
Can someone point me to the download link fort the vcam driver?  I can't seem to locate it.

Danh from United States  [79 posts] 16 year
It's in the directory where RoboRealm is installed. On my computer it is c:\roborealm.
Win Heagy from United States  [31 posts] 16 year
Ok..thanks.  I didn't seem to have to install it...just unzipped into a directory.  What is the name of the driver...I'm sure I'm just missing it.


Anonymous 16 year
The driver is actually called RoboRealm.sys but when you install the driver it will ask for a folder. Just give it the RoboRealm folder and it will find the right file.



for step by step instructions.


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