RoboRealm Screen Capture
Danh from United States  [79 posts]
16 year

Can you guys add a screen capture function to RoboRealm? This function would capture some user defined portion of the computer screen (entire screen, a program window, a user defined screen crop, etc). From a big picture standpoint we know that most PC programs will eventually output an image to the screen for the user. Being able to capture a defined portion of the screen makes the image capture independent of the underlying hardware interface (usb, network, firewire, You Tube video, Flash player,etc). Imagine the power of being able to draw a window around a remote webcam screen in your browser or some other program that displays results you want to process. I also see lots of OCR applications with this feature.

The screen capture could snap pictures or capture video. Also think about a screen magnify function as part of the capture (maybe the Windows accessibility API would be of help).

Danh from United States  [79 posts] 16 year
Found it! I guess I should read your documentation before asking any more questions ;-)


Danh from United States  [79 posts] 16 year

For the screen capture dialogue box could you guys add the capability to select the window coordinates by using a mouse and "rubber band" type drag operation?

I also noticed that the screen capture coordinate system doesn't like dual monitor setups. Not a big deal since I just keep my capture window on the primary screen but perhaps you guys could support capture on non primary screens.

You guys have made it real easy to screen capture web videos to see the effects of the different filters.


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