186 posts
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Prompting on screen with Beep sound [2]
Jahee, An easy way to do this is to use the Latch selection in the if_statement module. That will e...
8 year 2 1631
Rotating Camera Image After Modules [2]
Carter, The problem is that the Blob_Replace references the Source image and uses that to print the...
8 year 3 2221
A simple question in a previous VBScript sample [2]
Jason, The targetHeight is the size of the target in the vertical dimension. It will ALWAYS be the ...
8 year 2 2270
Java help needed [2]
Aman, JScript isn't Java. Its just a scripting language created for the web a couple years ago call...
8 year 2 2403
Slamtec RPLidar implementation [2]
Gabe, As you mentioned in your email, it looks like the protocol is slightly different. We can look...
7 year 2 2370
Camera FPS vs Processing FPS [2]
Alec, Changing the cameras fps will change the amount of data being fed into the PC (typically) and...
7 year 5 2351
Eiting in kioskl mode [2]
Roland, That is correct. The window would not be accessible in the full window mode. What you can d...
5 year 3 1953
what is COG_X in auto image calibration [2]
These are just variables generated by the Center of Gravity module: ...
8 year 2 2765
fiducial module - issues getting practical results [6]
Murray, Yea, the image needs to be corrected for that amount of distortion. The Radial module can h...
8 year 7 2727
MicroUSB U451 board [2]
Tom, Can you confirm that you are running the x86 (32 bit) version of RR?
8 year 5 1991
RoboRealm API Set_Camera_Properties [2]
Joshua, The missing posts were an issue on our side that should have been corrected. Let me know if...
8 year 2 1656
Screen Capture [2]
Yes, there are various ways to do this. Since it is always in the same spot you can crop the image to just that location and use...
7 year 3 1987
Access of milisecond [2]
You can use the variable CLOCK_MILLIS to get millisecond timing ... but you will NOT be able to measure the speed of light using...
5 year 6 2391
VBScript sleep command [2]
Sam, Its a bit subtle but the Sleep in VBScript only suspends the VBScript and NOT the pipeline. On...
7 year 2 2009
VB Script changes variable but not applying? [3]
Alec, The fps variable is mainly a read only variable. One can set it but it will immediately get o...
7 year 3 2312
Camera FPS vs Processing FPS [5]
Alec, Its worth downloading the latest version just in case the changes that accepted a decimal fps...
7 year 5 2351
Camera FPS through xml [4]
Hi, We've reviewed the COM object for issues in sending a decimal number (just in case that's what ...
7 year 4 1926
multiples cog with same colour [2]
See http://w...
7 year 2 1876
Wrong marker image get via COM API [2]
Kresimir, Couple things you can try: 1. Be sure to use the Marker modu...
8 year 2 1830
How to align image pixels [2]
Aman, This is possible to do with a couple tricks. The first is to note that because each camera is...
8 year 2 1820

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