RoboRealm API Set_Camera_Properties
Joshua Robertson from Canada  [11 posts]
8 year

I have a question unrelated to my topic that I wanted to ask first:

The last few times I've posted to the forums to ask a question, I have gotten replies, but my topic is not listed in the list of forum posts, and when I get an email with one of the responses, the reply button does not work, it takes me to a webpage but there is no post information, and no ability to respond.

So everytime after I post a question, I have no means of going back to check it because it never shows up in the forum posts, even after the 24h review period.

What would cause this?

On to my actual question:

I was trying to set some camera properties, the ones listed in the docs all work fine, but there are two settings that are not listed there (or at least not by the name I was looking for them) that I need to set, and was wondering if they are parameters that I can set through the API, what are the names. If not is there any chance that they might be supported anytime soon?

The parameters are "Auto Reference" and "Auto Max Value" under exposure in the GigECam Exposure Controls. I've attached a picture to highlight them.

I'll be looking forward to a response.


Steven Gentner from United States  [273 posts] 8 year

The missing posts were an issue on our side that should have been corrected. Let me know if you continue to still not see your posts listed in the forum.

With regards to the settings, we are limited to what is available via DirectX in Windows. There is a setting for Relative Exposure but not the Max Value. We can add in the relative exposure setting but you'd still not have the Max Value available to you. Instead, what I would recommend is to sidestep DirectX and instead use the Genicam module to access the camera directly. You then have access to all its settings and can add in RR variables for any setting the camera exposes.


Please note that you should download the latest version before trying this as it is one of the most frequently used modules and is constantly being adjusted and improved for more and more cameras. While the genicam communication protocol is a standard there are little changes in the implementation by some cameras that can cause issues. Regardless, its worth a quick try.


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