MicroUSB U451 board
tom kotsiopoulos  [5 posts]
8 year


First post on this forum. I purchased a U451 board and it plugs in and tests fine with the MicroUSB test programs. When I go into Roborealm it is not connected. Any ideas?


Tom Kaye
Steven Gentner from United States  [273 posts] 8 year

Can you confirm that you are running the x86 (32 bit) version of RR?

tom kotsiopoulos  [5 posts] 8 year

Well it must be, I don't remember seeing a choice on the site.

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 8 year

Looks like that board was newer since the module was created. It was checking for the previous versions. We've updated it to also look for the U451 drivers but since we don't have one of those devices we're not sure what other issues might still be present. Can you download the latest RR version using the same download link or the Options button->Download button and see if this helps?

Anonymous 8 year

Looks like it is connecting now. Will try and get it programed tomorrow.



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