186 posts
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Roborealm + Kuka Robot [5]
Victor, 1) There are several ways to do this. It is best done right from the camera itself. For exa...
7 year 5 2141
Center of gravity [2]
Firdaus, There isn't anything more to explain. That's the formula! Perhaps you can ask what part of...
7 year 4 2406
Basler USB3 camera setup [2]
You have two options: DirectX - check if you can download the DirectX (DirectInput) drivers for the...
3 year 3 1643
VCOMP120.DLL Error [2]
Gary, Its the 2013 redistributable (just confirmed on my machine):
8 year 3 1868
Camera support Needed [2]
Aman, That's a better question for the manufacturer. Ask them what you need to install to use the c...
8 year 3 2174
RoboRealm on Raspberry Pi! [7]
Arif, They are quite comfortable in terms of performance. The actual frame rate will depend on what...
7 year 7 3438
OpenNI2 and RoboRealm not playing well together [3]
Brain, Unfortunately that's the case, there is no IR capabilities within the OpenNI toolkit as exis...
7 year 4 2366
CScript incomplete [2]
Daniel, There has'nt been any updates to the CScript module that might cause this ... but there is ...
8 year 2 2180
VB script [2]
Peter, You probably don't have the 'Create Object Array" checkbox set in the Object Recognition int...
7 year 3 1826
OpenNI2 and RoboRealm not playing well together [4]
If you want to try option #3, Instructables is a good place to get some advice on how to do this: <...
7 year 4 2366
Detecting pills in trays [2]
Alan, This isn't something that we can just answer as there are a lot of details to this process. Y...
5 year 2 1842
Finding Coordinates on Feature of Blob [2]
Alex, You need an extra point, perhaps the center, that provides an intersection point. I've includ...
7 year 6 2206
Dll error when trying to run the VB script program [2]
Manoj, There are couple things you can try that will help to better indicate the issue.
7 year 2 2826
problem in sprkfun_mega module [7]
What do you mean by "variable in servo tab unlocks itself"? Can you give me a use case, as described above that we can reproduce...
8 year 7 1984
Roborealm [2]
Jonathan, While it is possible to do its a bit tricky to generate straight G-code. I've attached a ...
8 year 2 1723
fiducial module - issues getting practical results [2]
Murray, Couple things to change. 1. First download the latest version...
8 year 7 2765
fiducial module - issues getting practical results [3]
(forgot one) 5. Adjust the focal length to 600 ... I think that's probably what you were intending ...
8 year 7 2765
Number recognition [2]
Lucky, You will have to use very sharp lighting from the sides to highlight those particular number...
8 year 2 1721
Speak within an if Statement [2]
John, That is basically correct but I would make one change to the If statement and switch it to Co...
8 year 2 2286
Input from key board [2]
Jaheer, You can use the Keyboard_Read module to create variable triggers based on keys pressed, i.e...
8 year 2 1798

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