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Can't change image format [2]
Alec, The reason is probably due to the DFK drivers. When you use Options->Video->Video Forma... |
8 year | 8 | 2087 |
Arduino Mega-Roborealm Serial Timing Question [2]
eJMO, Thanks for the detail description! The new variable value will have to wait to cycle through ... |
9 year | 2 | 2071 |
GetCameraFormat [2]
Bob, It seems that the number of bits the current format is using was being reported incorrectly an... |
9 year | 2 | 1911 |
Line Pattern variables [2]
You can ignore that ... it was just a left over number that should be ingored. If you download the latest version that will be g... |
8 year | 2 | 2169 |
![]() Ozsuakin, Can you download the latest version of RoboRealm (Options button->Download button) and... |
9 year | 2 | 3363 |
FIRST FRC 2017 [2]
Sandy, We had heard of the peg target before kickoff but since have not seen that even mentioned. D... |
8 year | 2 | 2336 |
USB Port / RoboRealm Module [2]
Joe, Have you tried the Phidget_888_Interface module in RoboRealm? | 9 year | 7 | 2787 |
Angle of Line in Line_Probe output [3]
In most cases, you can also use an expression where you might just type in a number. For example: [... |
8 year | 3 | 2111 |
image after motion/movement stops [2]
Malcolm, It would depend on what action you need to invoke after the movement. For example, based o... |
9 year | 2 | 1905 |
Can't change image format [4]
Seems like you are running the most recent version. There is probably another problem with this particular Jpeg image that the D... |
8 year | 8 | 2087 |
![]() How are you accessing the image? Using the webserver? It doesn't seem like your robofile would work... |
8 year | 5 | 2485 |
navigation by computer vision [11]
Not just using a standard forward facing camera ... or at least not very accurately. There are ways of determining Time to Conta... |
9 year | 27 | 5512 |
Arduino Mega 2560 - Sparkfun [2]
Ahmad, Could you post your robofile with the VBScript modification? We can't tell how to solve the ... |
9 year | 3 | 2594 |
Openni [2]
Dave, Yes, you can implement that with the Math module. Select "Show RGB and Save Depth as Marker" ... |
9 year | 3 | 1820 |
Can't change image format [6]
It will attempt to send that file to us in the background so it will open up a connection back to ... |
8 year | 8 | 2087 |
Switching between cameras and network tables [5]
That is certainly possible. Start simple, just get the values first being sent back for one image. Once you have that working it... |
8 year | 5 | 2485 |
No Title [2]
Roland, We did some testing and while it is possible to get the pipeline up to 200fps its not very ... |
1 year | 2 | 967 |
Blob Recognition, Image Compare, or Feature? [4]
Thorin, The first task is to ensure that you can align one image with a previous one. This will the... |
8 year | 4 | 2062 |
Can Roborealm get screen images from a different program running? [3]
You may find the module ... |
9 year | 3 | 2052 |
Detecting Thick Line Intersections [4]
Kevin, RoboRealm does have that sort of pattern matching but not in a way that is useful for you. I... |
9 year | 5 | 2637 |
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