186 posts
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MicroSoft Life Cam - VX-500 [2]
Macker, When you say "will not hold" what happens when you select that size in the Camera Propertie...
7 year 3 6950
navigation by computer vision [11]
Not just using a standard forward facing camera ... or at least not very accurately. There are ways of determining Time to Conta...
9 year 27 5460
navigation by computer vision [25]
Hemant, Do you have the DSCN9048.mp4 video? If its not too big you can zip it and upload it here .....
9 year 27 5460
GigE Point Grey Blackfly in external trigger mode [2]
Davor, That's not surprising that the settings will change ... the FlyCapture is accessing the came...
8 year 2 4018
Combine 2 different pipeline [15]
Nurul, As I mentioned before "Many more images are needed to test an actual technique."
9 year 18 3845
Combine 2 different pipeline [13]
Nurul, Can you verify that you downloaded the latest version and also loaded in the original images...
9 year 18 3845
RoboRealm on Raspberry Pi! [7]
Arif, They are quite comfortable in terms of performance. The actual frame rate will depend on what...
8 year 7 3677
how to detect knurling defects [5]
Alberto, You can just click on the link above (assuming you are in the forum) to download the robof...
8 year 5 3602
Bug!! [2]
Ozsuakin, Can you download the latest version of RoboRealm (Options button->Download button) and...
9 year 2 3307
Camera from roborio [8]
If you can locate the CameraServer.cpp class and send that to us we can see what updates FIRST did since last year. As we don't ...
9 year 9 3269
Camera from roborio [6]
If you know what telnet is you can use that ... (more unix oriented). If not, then a port scanner program like <...
9 year 9 3269
Camera from roborio [4]
Check that the IP address actually has something running on port 1180 as you may need to enable something in the FRC code.
9 year 9 3269
Camera from roborio [2]
There are couple ways ... see ...
9 year 9 3269
Camera from roborio [9]
We located this years CameraServer.cpp (its in the WPILibc++ package) and have validated that nothing has changed from last year...
9 year 9 3269
lynxmotion ssc 32U not connecting [2]
Max, Not sure about if any drivers are needed and how the USB device looks to the PC. One would exp...
8 year 4 3096
Random break time in the pipeline [3]
Attached robofile....
8 year 16 3080
Random break time in the pipeline [2]
See the attached ... when you Sleep in VBScript module it will continue to execute other modules (so as NOT to stop the pipeline...
8 year 16 3080
Random break time in the pipeline [11]
By "casual break" do you mean the beep? The VBScript is setting the trigger_beep to zero before the sleep and then 1 after it. T...
8 year 16 3080
Random break time in the pipeline [13]
One way to perform a delayed variable set is to use the SetTimedVariable which takes number of milliseconds as its last paramete...
8 year 16 3080
gps devices [10]
Hemant, You may find a lot of information surrounding this with respect to the Sparkfun AVC competi...
9 year 10 2994

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