186 posts
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Plastic tube image matching [4]
The line scan camera will do what I mentioned by taking the single (or couple) middle lines of the image (i.e. row or col depend...
8 year 4 2011
Training Images [2]
Bob, If you look in the training GUI on those modules where you specify which folder to use you wil...
7 year 8 2530
Problems Using GetArrayVariable in VBScript [3]
BE, 1. Thanks for the investigation. Yes, the Read_Variables module was actually created BEFORE arr...
8 year 3 2821
Limit on images in object recognition module [2]
The limit is 1000 images on the Object Recognition module. But you'll probably never get that many ...
9 year 3 2799
labels [2]
Giuseppe, What you are asking for is a bit involved, we can't just provide a 'quick example' and ha...
9 year 2 2872
Combine 2 different pipeline [13]
Nurul, Can you verify that you downloaded the latest version and also loaded in the original images...
9 year 18 3878
Combine 2 different pipeline [15]
Nurul, As I mentioned before "Many more images are needed to test an actual technique."
9 year 18 3878
Phidget servo control [8]
Brian, Hmm, we didn't see that crash report. Its possible that RR cannot reach outside your network...
8 year 8 2701
Setting array variable problem [2]
Kresimir, The SetArrayVariable will expect a 1 dimensional array (i.e. a list of numbers). You are ...
8 year 2 1871
Why roborealm not processing one row of pixels of image? [2]
Aman, The pipeline will terminate if it sees the image size get below 4 pixels in either direction....
8 year 2 1751
vehicle counting [4]
Do you have an idea on what the large sticker or vehicle No. look like? Typically cameras that count vehicles are a bit too far ...
9 year 4 2970
JScript GetArrayVariable() [2]
You may find fiducialConfidenceArray = GetArrayVariable("FIDUCIAL_CONFIDENCE_ARRAY")
8 year 2 2312
Outdoor tracking of three objects [2]
Dave, If you are using an approximate 70 deg field of view (typical webcam .. or higher for
9 year 2 2213
NewPipeline() and the API [2]
Sarah, Thanks for mentioning this. It has been fixed in the most recent version.
8 year 2 1755
points within a blob [2]
How many blobs are typically in the image? I.e. could you guarantee that < 256 blobs are in the image?
9 year 5 2170
GigE Point Grey Blackfly in external trigger mode [2]
Davor, That's not surprising that the settings will change ... the FlyCapture is accessing the came...
8 year 2 4058
how to detect knurling defects [5]
Alberto, You can just click on the link above (assuming you are in the forum) to download the robof...
8 year 5 3637
points within a blob [4]
Dawson, One way to do this is to use the Blob_Label module to color each of the blobs. As long as t...
9 year 5 2170
Image Matching variable not working [2]
Jaheer, I assume you have recorded images from when the robot turns? Keep in mind that as soon as t...
8 year 4 2030
Random break time in the pipeline [11]
By "casual break" do you mean the beep? The VBScript is setting the trigger_beep to zero before the sleep and then 1 after it. T...
8 year 16 3106

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